Full Length Research Paper
This study employed the techniques of electrical resistivity, induced polarization and aeromagnetic methods to investigate and quantify lead-zinc ore deposits. The electrical methods of geophysical exploration were employed to measure thickness of overburden as well as width of the ore across the study area. IP method was used to investigate dissemination of lead-zinc sulphides. Aeromagnetic data over the area was acquired and processed to detect lead-zinc lode as well as magnetic anomalies present in the study area. This study reveals that there is a lead-zinc lode along the investigation area. This lode was delineated clearly through the magnetic anomaly signature of an aeromagnetic data over the area. IP survey results and imaging agrees with the aeromagnetic signature of the lode both in trend and width. Vertical electrical sounding, Schlumberger array determined the varying overburden thickness between 20 to 44m across the lode. These techniques have been helpful in discovering and/or delineating lead – zinc ore deposits but it is suggested that shafting, trenching and core drilling be used as a comparative study.
Key words: Assessment of Lead-Zinc deposits, Magnetic anomalies, Aeromagnetic data.
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