Full Length Research Paper
Geoscience prospecting for gold mineralisation was conducted in Kwakuti town located within Latitudes 9.362500°N to 9.387500°N and Longitudes 6.920833°E to 6.945833°E in Northern Nigeria. The deployed geosciences techniques comprise surface geological mapping, processing and analysis of aeromagnetic total magnetic field intensity data using Oasis Montaj software and X-ray fluorescence analysis of soil samples. Migmatites and gneiss dominate the rock outcrops in the area. The migmatites occupy high elevations on the north-eastern and eastern portion of the area, where they display low magnetic field intensity values. The schist occupies moderate to low elevation areas and they display high magnetic field intensity values. The migmatites are dotted with quartz veins which constitute the gold mineralisation zone. Oval shaped high magnetic anomalous zones within the schist indicate basic intrusive into the schist. First derivative map of the magnetic field intensity data reveal NE-SW trending lineaments. They likely conducted hydrothermal fluids from the basic intrusive into the migmatites on the northeast, where gold mineralisation occurred by metasomatic ionic exchange. Spatial concentration of TiO2 and MnO2 are the highest within the oval shaped high magnetic anomalous zones in the southern portion of the study area. This strengthens the inference that basic intrusive underlies the area. Gold concentration distribution pattern in the area is skewed NE-SW, thereby suggesting that the NE-SW structures control the mineralisation. Mining activities will be more efficient if directed along the NE-SW structural trend.
Key words: Aeromagnetic data, aero-radiometric data, geologic mapping, gold mineralisation, X-ray fluorescence.
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