Full Length Research Paper
The need to source for local construction materials that are appropriate for the massive developmental projects in Ebonyi State, southeastern Nigeria, has necessitated sampling and testing of the Maastrichtian Amasiri Sandstone in the Akpoha area of the state. Petrographic analysis and aggregate tests were conducted on six samples randomly selected from the rock deposit underlying the area. The petrographic analysis indicated that the sandstone consists predominantly of quartz (55 to 64%), feldspar (22 to 30%) and rock fragment (1 to 9%).The results revealed that water absorption (Wa) ranged from 1.37 to 3.83%, with mean value of 2.50%, while specific gravity (SG) was between 2.38 and 2.88 with mean value of 2.53.The aggregate analyses showed that the aggregate crushing value (ACV) ranged between 26 and 31 %, with a mean value of 27.83%, whereas flakiness index (FI) varied between 3 and 7%, with mean value of 4.8%. The predominance of quartz, relatively low Wa, moderately low to high SG and reasonable ACV and FI are indications that the sandstone would be marginally suitable as road construction aggregates. These parameters mostly fall within referenced standards. Further engineering tests are advocated to buttress the identified good prospects.
Key words: Aggregate test, construction material, geotechnical properties, petrographic analysis, standard limits.
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