Campoo-Bissaula which covers an area of about 72km2 and is located within 7º 02? and 7º 05? N and 10º 22? and 10º 27? E on the southeastern part of Adamawa Massif, northeast Nigeria. The rock types in the study area are predominantly banded gneiss, diorite and syeno diorite with basalt occurring as subordinate. Mineral resources include amethyst, rutile, ilmenite, hematite, etc. A structurally controlled River at Campoo-Bissaula (River Akpo) trending E – W (0800) is mineralized with ilmenite. This paper therefore seeks to unfold the occurrences, compositional features and genetic affinity of ilmenite (FeTiO3) mineralization in the study area. Field mapping was carried out by road, river/stream and compass traversing to map outcrops. Stream sediments, soil and host rocks sampling were carried out randomly up stream and within the soil and rock outcrops. Geochemical analysis of stream sediments was carried out at the National Geoscience Research Laboratory (NGRL), Kaduna using AAS while rock and soil samples were carried out at ACMES Lab, Canada using ICP-MS. The geochemical data revealed enrichment of Fe2O3 and TiO2 in diorite, syeno diorite, basalt, soils and stream sediments around the mineralized area. Diorite has mean concentration of 12.51 wt. % (Fe2O3) and 2.63 wt. % (TiO2); syeno diorite has 10.92 wt. % (Fe2O3) and 0.91 wt. % (TiO2) and basalt has 13.34 wt. % and 4.04 wt. % of Fe2O3 and TiO2. The soil has mean concentration of 11.94 wt. % (Fe2O3) and 9.28 wt. % (TiO2) while the stream sediments have 36.52 wt. % (Fe2O3) and 44.82 wt. % (TiO2). Ilmenite composition in the area reveals stream sediments constitutes 51.52 wt. %; host rocks 8.76 wt. % and soils 12.48 wt. % respectively. Some physical properties include submetallic to metallic luster, black colour, hardness of 5.5 and specific gravity of 4.7. The occurrences and the genetic affinity/source of Ilmenite mineralization in the area can be ascribed to the unroofing and subsequent denudation of the iron-rich rocks whose origin is related to the evolution of mafic magma that arose during melting of the mantle. This possibly highlights the relevance of significant alteration of host rocks in the evolutionary history of the ilmenite mineralization in Campoo-Bissaula area. Ilmenite is mostly used to produce titanium metal, synthetic rutile, pigments, alloys and powders.
Keywords: Campoo-Bissaula, massif, alteration, mineralization, unroofing, denudation, affinity, evolution, mantle, ilmenite.