This research covers lithofacies and petrophysical interpretation of reservoir rocks using well logs and core data from Well SHA-001 to understand the reservoir quality with respect to their depositional environments. Analysis was carried out on core sample of 84.3 feet from a depth range of 7176 ft – 7260.3 ft in well SHA-001 to identify and interpret lithofacies depositional environments. Six (6) Lithofacies were identified; these were Planar/Parallel laminated Sandstone, Cross-bedded coarse gravely Sandstone, Cross-bedded medium to fine grain Sandstone, Wavy-rippled Sandy-Heteroliths, Wavy-rippled Muddy-Heteroliths and Parallel-laminated mudstone. Bioturbations in core ranges from barren to rare with observable Ophiomorpha, Skolithos and Planolites ichnofossils which depicts mainly costal depositional settings. Three (3) Lithofacies associations were identified; these were Coastal Plain Heterolithics, Tidal Channel Sandstones and Fluvial Channel Sandstones. Petrophysical analysis was carried out on identified lithofacies in Well SHA-001. From petrophysical results, Lithofacies deposited with in the Fluvial Channels and Tidal Channels depositional environments (SmX, SP, and ScX) exhibited good to excellent reservoir qualities, these includes good to excellent effective porosity (0.15 – 0.34), permeability (877.6mD – 3353.7mD), hydrocarbon saturation (0.62 – 0.77) and poor water saturation (0.22 – 0.37). While lithofacies deposited within the Coastal Plains depositional environment (HsW, HmW and MP) exhibited very poor to average reservoir qualities regardless exhibiting average to excellent hydrocarbon saturation (0.54 – 0.70) as they exhibited very poor effective porosity (0.21 – <0.0) and permeability (310.6mD – 1452.6mD) which are very important factors of reservoir quality. This research has therefore explained how the depositional environment affects reservoir qualities, hence a fundamental component to consider during the exploration and production of hydrocarbon.
Keywords: Lithofacies, petrophysical interpretation, reservoir rocks, depositional environments