How to cite this article
Kunar, B. M., Bhattacherjee, A., Samanta, B. & Mitra, A. (2014). Relationship of individual and work related factors with obstructive type lung function disorder of underground coal miners: A spirometry study. Journal of Geology and Mining Research, 6(5), 57-63.
Chicago /
Bijay Mihir Kunar, Ashis Bhattacherjee, Biswajit Samanta and Analava Mitra. "Relationship of individual and work related factors with obstructive type lung function disorder of underground coal miners: A spirometry study." Journal of Geology and Mining Research 6, no. 5 (2014): 57-63.
Bijay Mihir Kunar, et al. "Relationship of individual and work related factors with obstructive type lung function disorder of underground coal miners: A spirometry study." Journal of Geology and Mining Research 6.5 (2014): 57-63.