How to cite this article
Ayodele, O. S., Asowata, I. T., & Adeoti, B. (2018). Assessment of the distribution of potentially harmful trace elements in bedrocks and stream sediments of Okemesi-Ijero area, Southwestern, Nigeria. Journal of Geology and Mining Research, 10(4), 39-47.
Chicago /
Ayodele Olusiji Samuel, Asowata, Iyobosa Timothy and Adeoti Blessing. "Assessment of the distribution of potentially harmful trace elements in bedrocks and stream sediments of Okemesi-Ijero area, Southwestern, Nigeria." Journal of Geology and Mining Research 10, no. 4 (2018): 39-47.
Ayodele Olusiji Samuel, et al. "Assessment of the distribution of potentially harmful trace elements in bedrocks and stream sediments of Okemesi-Ijero area, Southwestern, Nigeria." Journal of Geology and Mining Research 10.4 (2018): 39-47.