Journal of
General and Molecular Virology

  • Abbreviation: J. Gen. Mol. Virol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6648
  • DOI: 10.5897/JGMV
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 37

Full Length Research Paper

SARS-CoV-2 Molecular Clock and Zoonosis

ALINDA Alfred Khamala
  • ALINDA Alfred Khamala
  • Department of Biological Sciences, School of Natural Sciences (SONAS), Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Kenya.
  • Google Scholar
AMBUTSI Michael John
  • AMBUTSI Michael John
  • Department of Biological Sciences, School of Natural Sciences (SONAS), Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Kenya.
  • Google Scholar
KAKAI Shem Khakame
  • KAKAI Shem Khakame
  • Department of Agricultural Resource Management, School of Agriculture, Embu University, Embu, Kenya.
  • Google Scholar
OKOTH Patrick Kirsteen
  • OKOTH Patrick Kirsteen
  • Department of Biological Sciences, School of Natural Sciences (SONAS), Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Kenya.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 06 May 2020
  •  Accepted: 09 June 2020
  •  Published: 30 June 2020


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