Full Length Research Paper
Good environmental sanitation is a precondition for good health and success in the fight against poverty, hunger and death. It is also central to the human rights and personal dignity of every human being. The study adopted direct field observation, it involved interview and physical assessment. Results were presented in tables and charts, while data analyses were carried using simple percentages and frequencies. The results of findings showed that well/boreholes is a major source of water (75.5%). Also, 13.7% washed toilets daily, while 55.8% washed toilets on alternate days. The study revealed that the dumping of refuse on roadside/open spaces has impacted the environment negatively, some of these impacts are physical nuisance of the solid wastes to the environment, the dumpsites serve as hideouts to rats and other dangerous insects and it emit offensive odor. The study recommended that refuse can be collected regularly to avoid pollution, and there is a need for proper environmental sanitation awareness to educate people on the importance of a clean environment.
Key words: Environment, sanitation, environmental-sanitation, informal, settlements.
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