Full Length Research Paper
The study analysed the impact of Rural Enterprise Development Hub (RED Hub) Project on maize yield of beneficiaries. Out of a total of 398 beneficiaries, 200 maize farmers were sampled using the Cochran sample size formula followed by convenience sampling at the second stage. With the use of a 'before' and 'after' approach, a survey was conducted using structured questionnaires which were administered on the beneficiaries of the project in Mquanduli community within the 9 villages of the community. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. It was established that, a P-value of less than 0.05 was statistically significant. The study revealed a significant average annual yield increase of maize farmers who benefitted in the project from 1,003 to 1,891 kg with an increase of 88.53% on hectare basis (t = 100.3 and p <0.05). Also, there was an average increase in annual yield from 1,976 to 4,351 kg which was significant with an increase of 120.19% per maize farm (t = 32.7 and p<0.05 p-value). Determinants of increase in maize productivity were identified using regression analytical technique; They were fertilizer (t = -4.46 and p <0.05), seedling (t = 4.47 and p<0.05) and capital (t = 4.35 and p<0.05). The study recommends sustained subsidy and direct delivery of productive inputs to beneficiary farmers and additional provision to accommodate more maize farmers in Mqanduli.
Key words: Rural, yield, beneficiaries, farmers, community.
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