July 2019
Effect of tea processing methods on biochemical composition and sensory quality of black tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze): A review
Final quality of black tea depends mainly on the chemical composition of the raw tea leaves. Various plucking methods have direct effect both on yield and quality in different cultivated variety and environments. Different literature reports indicated that polyphenols, caffeine, essential oils and amino acids are responsible for aroma and flavor of black tea. The oxidation process begins at rolling step and ends at...
July 2019
Notice of Retraction: Impact of mobile phones on the density of honeybees
The editors of the Journal of Horticulture and Forestry (JHF) are retracting the article, “Impact of mobile phones on the density of honeybees” published in 2011 (Vol. 3(4), pp. 131-133, April 2011). This is informed by the multiple publication of the article under different titles in other journals (http://ipublishing.co.in/jesvol1no12010/EIJES2044.pdf;...
August 2019
Integrated effect of nitrogen and vermicompost levels on yield and yield components of carrot (Daucus carota L.) at Woreta, Northwestern Ethiopia
The N fertilizer or organic resources alone may not provide sufficient amounts or may be unsuitable for improving specific constraints to crop production. In view of this, a field trial was conducted at Woreta ATVET College horticultural farm, Ethiopia to determine integrated effect of nitrogen and vermicompost levels on yield and yield components of carrot, nantes type, during 2017 main rainy season. Nine treatments...