Journal of
Horticulture and Forestry

  • Abbreviation: J. Hortic. For.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9782
  • DOI: 10.5897/JHF
  • Start Year: 2009

JHF Articles in press

Review of Value Chain and Marketing Analysis of Enset ventricosum and Their Challenges in Ethiopia.

Article in Press

One of the principal staples or co-staples grown and sold throughout the majority of Ethiopia's SNNPR and Oromia Regions is enset. This review article aims to evaluate enset production and marketing in Ethiopia, identify key obstacles and opportunities in enset production and marketing in Ethiopia, and examine the various actors in the enset value chain and their respective roles. The results show that the wholesale side...

Author(s):Nigus Adane Mulat

Study on the effect of spacing on seedling growth and quality parameters of Juniperus polycarpos

Article in Press

An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of spacing on seedling growth and quality parameters of Juniperus polycarpos under nursery conditions. One-year-old germinants of Juniperus polycarpos were transplanted in nursery beds under four different spacing to observe the seedling growth and quality parameters. The maximum shoot length (50.53cm), root length (33.92cm), collar diameter (7.48mm), number of roots...

Author(s):Pitamber Singh Negi and Sandeep Sharma

Effect of bio-inoculants and PGRs on germination and seedling growth of wild Ber (Ziziphus rotundifolia Lamk.) under in-vitro conditions.

Article in Press

The effect of bio-inoculants and PGRs on germination and seedling growth of wild Ber (Ziziphus rotundifolia Lamk.) under laboratory condition was conducted in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during the session 2021-22. The seeds removed from stone were treated with five bio-inoculants viz, Azoteeka- Mac 27, Azoteeka- HT 54, Phosphoteeka- P36, Azospirillum,...

Author(s):Aayush Singla, Mukesh Kumar, Jeet Ram Sharma, Arjoo Dhundwal,Manish Kumar,Maya Lamba,Gurmeet Dhattarwal,Nidhi Yadav

Deforestation and Forest Management Methods in Chencha Woreda, South Ethiopia: From Smallholder Farmers’ Point of view.

Article in Press

To take appropriate forest conservation and rehabilitation measures, it is important to assess the views and perception of community at local level. This study, therefore, attempted to assess the farmers’ perception to deforestation, causes of deforestation and its impacts in Chencha woreda, South Ethiopia. In addition, the study also tried to identify the methods owned by the local farmers for management of forest. The...

Author(s):Fatuma Ali, Mohammed Seid

The south-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus The impact of micromobiements to the micromiological process and fermentativ activity on territorial lands.

Article in Press

In 2012-2017, the activity of bacteria, ray fungi and microscopic fungi from microorganisms was studied in field experiments with the aim of studying the effect of micronutrients on the productivity of winter wheat in moderately eroded gray mountain-brown soils. The regularity of the activity of the microorganisms that play a major role during the vegetation period of wheat was studied. It was found that the micronutrients...

Author(s):Aliyev Huseyn Oqlu


Article in Press

This paper describes the dynamics of the timber value chain in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Specifically, the study strove to identify key actors, their roles, functions, and interactions in various nodes along the timber value chain. The study employed a cross-sectional design. Mixed research methods for data collection were employed for the study; key informants’ interview, focus group discussions and researchers’...


Pre-sowing mechanisms for Guibortia coleosperma and Amblygonocarpus andongensis seeds from Kazuma forest reserve, Botswana.

Article in Press

Start with problem statement sentence (e.g. Increasing population and rapid decline in the forest cover, poor increment, low sustainable yield and increasing demand lead to shortage of timber and fuel-wood in Botswana) Thus a study was carried out to examine the effect of pre-treatment on germination of Guibortia coleosperma and Amblygonocarpus andongensis seeds. The experiment was set up in a completely randomized design...


Effectiveness of the AquaCrop model to simulate mango (Mangifera indica L.) yield under different irrigation water conditions.

Article in Press

Simulation models may be helpful for assessing the impacts of irrigation water stress in crop yield. This research focuses on the assessment of the ability of the AquaCrop model to simulate yield of mango under full and deficit irrigation [regular deficit irrigation [(RDI) and partial root zone drying irrigation (PRD)] in the semi-arid regions of Egypt. The validation of simulation program was performed using the results...


Growth and yield responses of date palm to foliar application of micro-nutrients

Article in Press

This work aimed to study growth and yield responses of 'Barakawi' date palm cultivar to the foliar application of micro-nutrients at Al-Bakheet village, Karima Locality, Northern State, Sudan. Physical and chemical analyses of soil are shown in Appendix (1). The study was arranged in a randomized complete block design. The treatments were: Control, FeSO4.7H2O, ZnSO4.7H2O and MnSO4.H2O.They were applied as a foliar...


Study on Wild Edible Plant diversity in the parts of district Tehri Garhwal, Uttrakhand, India.

Article in Press

Field investigation of WEPs in the study region documented species which were found well distributed in different life forms in which, trees share the largest proportion with 15 species (41.66%), followed by shrubs with 11 species (30.55%), herbs with 8 species (22.22%), 1 climbers and 1 fern (2.77% each). Of the 36 species documented in the study region, only one species is of Pteridophyta (Diplazium...


Sensory evaluation of baby spinach Spinacia oleracia. L (spinach) grown under different inorganic and organic fertilizers

Article in Press

Sources of fertilizer is one of the major factors influencing baby spinach leaf texture, sweetness, bitterness and after-taste. However, the effects of fertilizer sources on baby spinach growth performance and consumer preferences are not known. A survey was carried out at the Seke Teachers’ College community, Zimbabwe to determine the consumer preferences on the baby spinach grown under cattle, poultry, goat manure and...

Author(s):Chigiya V, Parwada C, Ngezimana W and Chipomho J

Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality Performance of Introduced and Local Banana (Musa spp.) Cultivars in Ethiopia

Article in Press

Banana (Musa spp.) is the most economical fruit in Ethiopia. Despite its great importance, most of the cultivars grown by banana producers are low yielders with poor fruit qualities for commercial production. This study was conducted to evaluate banana cultivars for their growth, yield and quality performance to find the best variety for the target agroecologies. The results revealed significant varietal differences in...

Author(s):Asmare Dagnew Moges, Wegayehu Assefa, Girma Kebede, Lemma Ayele, Tewodros Mulualem, Awoke Mensa, Dereje Kenbon, Endriyas Gabrekirstos, Masresha Minuye, Abraham Alemu, Jemal Beker and Mesfin Seyoum

Evaluation of White Fleshed Sweet Potato Varieties for Root Yield and Related Traits in South Gondar Zone, North West Ethiopia

Article in Press

A sweet potato production is not practiced in most parts of North Western Ethiopia mainly due to gap of knowledge and awareness about its production system and benefits; and shortage of improved varieties in the area. To overcome such challenges, a study was conducted during 2019 main growing season at Dera and Libokemkem districts that included five white fleshed sweet potato improved varieties (Hawassa-09, Berkuma, Adu,...

Author(s):Birhanu Habtie and Dessie Getahun

Resilience of above-ground biomass in experimental areas in the eastern Brazilian Amazon

Article in Press

This study aimed to evaluate the resilience of aerial forest biomass, in four experimental areas in eastern Brazilian Amazon. For all areas after reduced impact cutting, it was evident that there is a great loss of biomass in all tree diametric classes, but much more evident in classes with a diameter above 50 cm in the first years after logging. The forest recovered its biomass value due to the growth of the species that...

Author(s):Francimary da silva carneiro Carneiro

Recovery of wood volume in experimental areas in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon

Article in Press

This study was aiming to evaluate the volume of wood after logging in four experimental areas in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon. Two classes of diameter were analyzed, one to characterize the wood stock reserved for future exploration, and another to characterize the volume available for harvest in accordance with Brazilian forestry legislation. As a result, the first diameter class recovered the volume of wood they had...

Author(s):Carneiro Francimary Da Silva Carneiro

Agro-Morphological based Evaluation and Proximate Analysis of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Varieties at Sheka Zone, South West Ethiopia

Article in Press

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is an important food and cash crop for rural households in Shaka Zone, south west Ethiopia. Despite the nutritional and economic significance of garlic, to date there are no research efforts pertain to recommend adaptable cultivars with due consideration of the environmental condition of the zone. The present work aimed to evaluate eight garlic genotypes using agro-morphological and nutritional...

Author(s):Bewuketu Haile, Sefawdin Berta, Biruk Getnet and Habitamu Kassaye

Adaptation Trial of Improved Market Type White Haricot Bean Varieties under Hararghe Condition

Article in Press

Field experiment was conducted at Mechara Agricultural Research centers on-station, Habro district on Busoyitu Farmers Training Center and Fedis Agricultural Research Center’s on station with objective to selecting and recommending the best adapted market type white haricot bean varieties. The experiment was laid out using a randomized complete block design with three replications. ...

Author(s):Shanene Haile and Fantahun Adugna

Effect of Participatory Forest Management on Forest Status in Case of Bale Highlands, South East Ethiopia

Article in Press

Much has been done for the conservation of natural resources; but without the participation of the community around the resource area, sustainable conservation cannot be achieved. Participatory Forest Management (PFM) is the best practice for the sustainable conservation of the remaining natural forest of the country with entire involvement of the community. PFM can sustain the natural resource. This study...

Author(s):Umer Abdela and Alemayehu Wudineh

Biodiversity and floristic composition of understory species in Quercus glauca forests of north-western Himalaya, India

Article in Press

Oak forests are among the dominant vegetations of Himalaya. Understory vegetation of these forests are influenced by structure and composition of upper canopy species and the microenvironment. This study assessed the diversity and species composition of understory species at six different study sites of Quercus glauca forests in lower Himalaya. Sample plots of 20 m × 20 m, 5 m × 5 m and 1 m × 1 m were taken to...

Author(s):Amare T. and D.R. Bhardwaj

Effect of Nursery Media on early seedling emergence and growth of two Genotypes of Passion fruits (Passiflora edulis)

Article in Press

A pot experiment was conducted in a high tunnel located in the Research and Teaching Farm of the Department of Crop Science and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria to understudy the effect of nursery media on early seedling emergence and growth of KPF-4 and Purple genotypes of Passion fruits (Passiflora edulis).The experiment was laid out as a 2 × 7 split plot...

Author(s):O. O. Ndukwe and G.C. Nwachikere

Factors Influencing Participation Of Households In Participatory Forest Management (Pfm): The Case Of Bench-Maji Zone, Southwestern

Article in Press

Participatory Forest Management (PFM) is a new paradigm system of forest management which is adopted and implemented in order to fulfill the interest, respecting of traditional users, and it is bottom-up approach which encourage a sense of belongingness to the rural people in forest management. This forest management approach is promoted as one way of improving the livelihoods of rural communities, whilst protecting forest...

Author(s):Fayera Bakala and Milkessa Asfaw

Evaluation of insecticides for their efficacy at different doses against Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on onion

Article in Press

Onion is considered as one of the most important vegetable crops produced on large scale in Ethiopia. Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci is a pest of economically important crops of onion (Allium cepa) and causes significant yield loss globally. The present study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of insecticides for the control of Thrips tabaci on yield and yield component of onion. The experiment was laid out as a randomized...

Author(s):Tadele Shiberu

Shade and irrigation effects on growth, flowering, pod yields and survival of cacao following 5 years of continuous dry season irrigation

Article in Press

The effects of plantain shade and dry season irrigation was examined on the growth, canopy dynamics, flowering and pod production of cacao in the Experimental Station of the Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. The 2 x 2 factorial combinations of unshaded (open sun) and shaded and irrigation intervals (5-day and 10-days)) were arranged in split-plot design....

Author(s):Charles, E.F. Agele, S.O. Famuwagun, I.B, Faboade, E.

Chemical dwarfing of Plectranthus ecklonii for producing a potted flowering plant

Article in Press

lectranthus ecklonii (Lamiaceae) is a soft, erect and fast growing shrub that can reach up to three metres in height, thus making it difficult to grow as a potted flowering plant. Therefore, different rates (0, 2, 4, 8 and 16mg a.i. plant-1) of a growth retardant Paclobutrazol were tested for retarding vegetative growth of P. ecklonii for use as a flowering potted plant. To determine the appropriate rate of paclobutrazol,...

Author(s):Barnard H., Laubscher C.P., Matimati I

Ensuring Smallholder Farmers’ Food Security through Homegarden Agroforestry System in Ethiopia: A Review

Article in Press

Homegarden is one form of traditional agroforestry systems and involving deliberate management of multipurpose trees and shrubs in close association with annual and perennial agricultural crops and livestock within the compounds of individual houses managed by family labor. The presence of trees in the homegarden agroforestry system gives multiple services both in tree products (timber, firewood, food, and fodder) and...

Author(s):Fikadu Kitaba Tola

Onion Market Chain Analysis in North Gondar Zone, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Article in Press

This study tried to analyze the market chains of onion in North Gondar zone with the specific objectives of investigating marketing costs and margins, market participants and their roles. Attempts were also made to identify factors affecting the supply of onion in North Gondar Zone. Structure Conduct Performance approach was used to examine marketing costs and margins, market participants, their roles, and linkages. In...

Author(s):Taye Melese Mekie, Abebe Dagnew Koye, Tigabu Dagnew Koye

Survey of anthropogenic activities in kwandonkaya panshanu forest reserve in Bauchi State, Nigeria.

Article in Press

The impact of Human activities on Kwandonkaya panshanu Forest reserve in Bauchi state was studied. Structured questionnaires, general survey and past records of field reports were used in collecting information on anthropogenic activities in the study area. A total of one hundred and twenty (120) questionnaires were randomly administered among the villagers within the five villages surrounding the forest estate at equal...

Author(s):Ogunkalu Oluwafemi Ayornde, Adedapo James Olufemi, Akande Micheal.Taiwo

Effect of Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates on the Growth, Yield and Yield Component of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Grown in Wukro district, Tigray region, Ethiopia

Article in Press

A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels of phosprouse (P) fertilizer on bulb yield and yield component of onion grown on clay soils at Wukro district, Tigray, Ethiopia under irrigation for two years. In this experiment six levels of P (i.e., 0, 46, 69, 92, 115, 138 kg P2O5 ha-1) were used. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The...

Author(s):Niguse Abebe, Tadesse Abadi, and Harnet Abreha

The Role of Area exclosures for Biodiversity Conservation and its contribution to local livelihood in Ethiopia

Article in Press

Frequent worsening of land resources have become a serious threat to both the ecological systems and economic development in Ethiopia. These problems attributed directly or indirectly to the rapid declining of forests in unsustainable use and management; to avoid land degradation problem rehabilitation is best option and different studies shown in Tigray, Amhara (wello and shewa) and Oromia region, exclosure is one of the...

Author(s):Melese Bekele

Analysis of Red Pepper Profitability in North Gondar zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Ethiopia is the homelands of various spice types. Red pepper is one of the most important spice types that produced by many smallholder farmers both for consumption and marketing purpose in northwestern Ethiopia. However, profitability of spice in general and red pepper, in particular, is not well understood in the study area. Therefore, this research attempted to examine profitability and determinant's profitability of...

Author(s):Abebe Birara Dessie, Tadie Mirie Abate, Taye Melese Mekie, Mitikie Nigussie

Pumpkin: Horticultural importance and its roles in various forms; a review

Article in Press

Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch ex Poir) is one of the important among the vegetable crops and native of Mexico and extensively cultivated in India, Africa, Latin America, Southern Asia and the United States. Since past times it is is in the diet of agronomic and some metropolitan areas throughout the world while today pumpkin is more analyzed crop mid-October horticulture, commercial, industrialization, and research....

Author(s):Gufran Ahmad and Abrar A. Khan

Changes in the canopy structure of a secondary Atlantic rain forest after selective logging in Brazil

Article in Press

The sustainable forest management promotes financial revenues while keeping the forest cover and most of its environmental services. Nevertheless, the logging operation inevitably causes changes in the forest and canopy structure; this paper has the objective of evaluate the changes in the forest canopy following logging. We used hemispherical photography to determine the Canopy Openness (CO), Leaf Area Index (LAI) and the...

Author(s):Daniel Augusto da Silva, Alfredo Celso Fantini, Marcus Moresco Boeno, Alexander Christian Vibrans, Boeno Marcus Moresco


Article in Press

This study investigated the influence of different light intensities on the early growth of Jathropha curcas seedlings. Forty (40) seedlings were randomly selected from the germinated seedlings in the nursery and arrayed under four different treatments (0%, 20%, 40% and 60% light intensity). The amount of light being received by each of the seedlings was regulated, using constructed wooden box covered with wire gauze (1 mm...

Author(s):Saka, M. G. and Okoye, D. N

The volume of logs of fifteen tree species supplied to Sawmills in Benin Metropolis (2010 to 2015

Article in Press

The over exploitation of forest reserves has led to a decline in the volume of logs of commercial quality timber supplied to the sawmilling industry in Nigeria. As such, many sawmills are becoming moribund. Therefore, this study examined the volume and number of logs of 15 species supplied to sawmills in the Benin metropolis between 2010 and 2015. Data used for this study were collected from 11 randomly selected sawmills...

Author(s):Ogunsanya B. T., Modugu, W. W. and Ogana, F. N.

The impact of cashew production on Nigeria’s economy

Article in Press

Cashew production in Nigeria has been identified and acknowledged by the government as a means of foreign exchange contributing to the gross domestic product of the economy since 1961, a year after Nigeria’s independence. However, little attention has been paid to increase the production of this all-important cash crop. The economic benefits of the crop are not in doubt. This necessitated a study to empirically examine...

Author(s):Christopher O. Nwonu, Johnny C. Eluka and Emmanuel K. Agbaeze

Census of Citrus Germplasm Collection in Ibadan: Recommendation for Forest Transitional zone in Nigeria

Article in Press

In order to find adaptable citrus varieties for Nigerian ecology, one hundred and twelve (112) varieties of citrus were collected from Florida, United States of America, Israel and locally in Nigeria. The citrus consisted of six species and one hybrid namely: Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) Osbeck) 30 varieties, Tangerine (Citrus reticulata Blanco) 18 varieties, Grape (Citrus paradisi Macf.) 16 varieties, Lemon (Citrus...


Impact evaluation on survival of tree seedling using selected in situ rainwater harvesting methods in Gerduba Watershed, Borana Zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Establishing forest plantation on degraded rangelands play a key role in forest rehabilitation processes through afforestation or/and reforestation. In-situ rainwater harvesting has positive impact on seedling survivals at degraded rangelands. A quadrant of 10 m × 10 m of five times replication at three slope classes under area enclosure was used. Both survived seedlings and soil physical parameters were collected from...

Author(s):Demisachew Tadele, Awdenegest Moges, Mihret Dananto

Sorption behaviour of thermally and chemically modified selected wood species

Article in Press

This study investigated the sorption behaviour of thermally and chemically modified selected Entandrophragma utile (Meliaceae) wood species for the purpose of quality improvement. E. utile wood samples with 8000 mm3 dimension were used in this study. The samples were oven dried and thermally treated at temperatures of 160, 180 and 200°C for 30 min. Another set of wood samples were prepared for chemical treatment inside...

Author(s):Faruwa F. A. and Iyiola E. A.

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