March 2018
Collection and characterization of garlic (Allium sativm L.) germplasm for growth and bulb yield at Debre Markos, Ethiopia
Garlic (Allium sativm L.) is the most widely used crop among cultivated Allium species in Ethiopia and it has a wide range of climatic and soil adaptation. Production of the crop is confronted with a number of problems and the total production and productivity in the country is low. Among many contributing factors, lack of improved varieties and garlic rust are the major ones. In view of this, an experiment was carried...
March 2018
Determinants of outlet choices by smallholder onion farmers in Fogera district Amhara Region, Northwestern Ethiopia
Market outlet choice for small holder onion producers is mandatory, since onion crop is a perishable horticultural crop. This study was aimed at assessing determinant of market outlet choice by smallholder onion farmers in Fogera District of Ethiopia. A stratified random sampling technique was employed, to select 150 onion producers in the study area. Multivariate probit model was employed to identify the factor...