Full Length Research Paper
A monolith site is a unique heritage site with potential for heritage and cultural tourism due to its unique features. Ten monolith sites investigated were Alok, Emaghabe, Nlun, Ntolshi, Edankono, Agba, Nkirigom, Ntol, Njemitop, and Nebrokpa in Cross River State. A prospective appraisal of the sites is important for them to effectively contribute to tourism. The study analyzes the sites' SWOT analysis to determine the best strategic tourism management for tourism development in the study area. SWOT means the assessment of strength (S), weakness (W), opportunity (O), and threat (T). The research utilized in-depth interviews, observational, and ethnographic methods to gather data from community members, heritage managers, and government workers, which was then analyzed qualitatively. Through the findings, a SWOT analysis reveals monolith sites' strengths are their distinctive traits, while their weaknesses include a sensitive environment and inadequate environmental management. Based on the findings and the SWOT analysis, the strategic plan adopted includes baseline information, accessibility, collaboration, improving the living standard of the host community, environmental education and research, community participation and marketing.
Key words: Heritage sites, distinctive qualities, strategic management, monolith sites, Cross River State.
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