July 2023
Review on ecotourism potentials, challenges and opportunities in Ethiopia
Ecotourism is defined as intentional activity to natural and cultural areas to appreciate nature. The main objective of this review was to examine ecotourism potentials, challenges and opportunities in Ethiopia. To achieve the objective, relevant published scientific literatures were used as data sources. These data were obtained from freely accessible search engines. The review paper was done using common and freely...
November 2023
Strength-weakness-opportunities-threats (SWOT) analysis of Cross River monolith sites for strategic tourism management
A monolith site is a unique heritage site with potential for heritage and cultural tourism due to its unique features. Ten monolith sites investigated were Alok, Emaghabe, Nlun, Ntolshi, Edankono, Agba, Nkirigom, Ntol, Njemitop, and Nebrokpa in Cross River State. A prospective appraisal of the sites is important for them to effectively contribute to tourism. The study analyzes the sites' SWOT analysis to determine...