Journal of
Languages and Culture

  • Abbreviation: J. Lang. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6540
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLC
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 132

Table of Content: April 2017; 8(4)

April 2017

Looking at the changing world through a displaced and estranged artist: Kazuo Ishiguro’s, ‘an artist of the floating world’

Culture is a shared pattern of behaviour prevailing in a group or a society. It includes all the traditions, customs, beliefs and values that are transmitted from generation to generation and it can shape people. Thus it can be summarized that culture is something commonly shared, transmitted and it has a role in shaping people. When another culture tries to penetrate into the existing culture, some problems arise among...

Author(s): Zeynep Rana Turgut

April 2017

Exploration of factors impeding teacher education college students’ speaking skills: The case of Jimma teachers college in Ethiopia

This research was aimed at investigating factors which affect English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students’ speaking skills in Jimma teacher Education College. The subjects of the study were second year EFL students and EFL teachers in the college. Among the 200 second year English Language students in the college, the researcher took 50% as the sample of the study using the simple random sampling technique. To...

Author(s): Dagne Tiruneh

April 2017

Personal name and history: Change and continuity of naming practices among Maccaa Oromo

This paper addresses the change and continuity of Maccaa Oromo naming practices. Maccaa Oromo is one of Oromo moiety inhabits in western part of Oromia. Mainly data was collected from elder through interview and group discussion. In addition to primary data, various historical books which are related to the topic are surveyed. Thus, in this investigation, both primary and secondary sources were used. The analyzed data...

Author(s): Waktole Hailu