The morpho-semantics of ChiBarwe diminutives
Article in Press
In Bantu languages, diminutive affixes assumes a semantic functions to mark smallness in different nominal constructions. The thrust of this article is to investigate the morpho-semantics of diminutives in ChiBarwe, with an emphasis on the role of the noun class system in diminutive formation. The argument avowed in this article is that ChiBarwe, as in the case of other Bantu languages uses morphemes /ka-/ and /tu-/ of...
Article in Press
Home language and Economic values of French are said to have influence on the proficiency of the learners in French language. Some students perform low in French language due to the influence of these variables. This study therefore examined home language, age, gender and economic values of French as determinants of Junior secondary school II students achievement in French in Ibadan North Local Government Area. Five...
The Role of Morphological Awareness in Reading Comprehension: Grade nine in focus
Article in Press
The general objective of the study was to assess the role of morphological awareness for students’ reading comprehension in EFL class of Kokit general secondary school. To answer this objective, a quasi-experimental research design on experimental and control group was employed. Measures of morphological questions and reading comprehension skill tests were given for both randomly selected control and experimental groups in...
Article in Press
This paper examines the portrayal of personality in the Dagaaba dirge. The study highlights themes such as hospitality, bravery and beauty, which are attributes that depict personality among the Dagaaba. The study reveals that various expressions especially, metaphors are dominantly used in the Dagaaba dirge to depict the personality of the deceased. The study further shows that the understanding and interpretation of the...
Article in Press
The aim of this study was to describe the tone system in Shekkinoono. The data for this study were collected between 2016 and 2018. In collecting data for tonal inventory, I elicited wordlists and recorded them simultaneously. I used the software speech analyzer in order to reveal acoustic measurement of each tone type. Shekkinoono has three level tones: high (H), mid (M), low (L) and Falling (HL) and rising (LH)...
Article in Press
Jiangsu Province has a long history, rich historical and cultural tourism resources, the number and quality of museums are in the forefront of the country. Jiangsu Province should rely on the favorable background of the times, establish the museum cultural tourism brand, make full use of modern media of information dissemination, publicize museum cultural relics and cultural and historical knowledge to the outside world,...
A Study on Chinese Intercultural English Education in the Late Qing Dynasty
Article in Press
Guide to College English Teaching (2020 edition) issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education clearly defines the nature of college English courses, which is both instrumental and humanistic, and puts forward high requirements for the intercultural competence of Chinese college students. As early as in the late Qing Dynasty, although China did not have a perfect discipline system and offered no courses such as...
Canadian folklore: Indigenous storytelling and their oral traditions
Article in Press
Indigenous people were the first to live and form communities in Canada and in the Northern territories. They had their own cultures, values, and ways of living. Oral traditions and rituals had an important place in indigenous’ daily life. This article focuses on storytelling, which was performed by elder members of the communities to keep the culture alive and to educate the youth. The genre of this folklore is verbal but...
Expressions of caused-motion in Vietnamese A perspective from Cognitive Linguistics
Article in Press
This paper examines how Vietnamese speakers express caused motion by applying cause verbs. The theory of cognitive linguistics is adopted to shed light on the properties of semantics and syntax of Vietnamese expressions of caused motion. The data consists of expressions of caused motion, verbs and spatial prepositions taken from twelve Vietnamese stories. The results of this study present numerous lexicalization patterns...
Article in Press
Fulfulde is undoubtedly one of the most developed and expansively used indigenous languages in the Northern Regions of Cameroon. The status and use of Fulfulde has grown widely with the political, religious, social and economic growth of people who use it for various purposes. Currently, it is one of the most dominant languages in Cameroon with several forms of prestige attached to it. Since it is usually a very daunting...
Stylistic strategies in selected Calixthe Beyala’s Novels
Article in Press
Calixth Beyala is a francophone novelists whose works have attracted readership globally. Previous studies on Calixthe Beyala have paid little or no attention to the extensive studies of her novels. The data are purposively selected from four Beyalian novels namely: C’est le soleil qui m’a brûlée (the sun hath looked upon me), Tu t’apelleras Tanga (Your name shall be Tanga), Comment cuisiner son mari Ä...
Chinese Language Learning Anxiety: The Case of International Students in Northeast Normal University
Article in Press
This research was carried out to investigate Chinese language learning anxiety of international students in Northeast Normal University, China. Specifically, the study looked into the differences in Chinese language learning anxiety between African and Asian (none-Chinese origin) international students according on their continent, gender and study program (MA and PhD). The study also investigated the relationship between...
Article in Press
Different criteria are used by scholars to identify the nouns of YoruÌ€baÌ, a language spoken in south-western Nigeria. However, complexities and difficulties resulting from these criteria differences have posed serious problems to corpus knowledge extraction useful for ontological annotations. Reconciling the differences with a simple model which dwells on semantic load of the lexicon is a gap in YoruÌ€baÌ language...
Article in Press
This research evaluates the reporting of major bomb blasts in Balochistan. It analyses that how national and regional print media of Pakistan is handling and reporting certain terrorist events. One English and Urdu newspapers from national and one each from regional newspapers have been selected (English Dawn and Urdu Jang are national and English The Baluchistan Times and Urdu The Zammana are regional newspapers). Word...
Lexical and phonological variation among Affan Oromo language speakers of Kemisie society
Article in Press
The study examines the lexical and phonological variations of Kemissie Oromo with respect to the locations of the society. To do this, the researcher applied a descriptive research design and conducted a study in Oromia Zone Amhara region. To make it manageable, the researcher used Kemissie teachers training college as a sample area and selected 120 representative students from different Woredas of Kemissie Zone, and...
Article in Press
The article basically examines the nominal morphology of the Awngi language. The nominal morphology of Awngi is not yet studied. Hence, this area is selected to form basic document for the curriculum designers as instructional media by native speakers. This will be also helpful document for future researchers on the aforementioned language. The findings show that the affixes used in masculine and feminine both animate and...
Global catastrophes leading psychological trauma in Kamila Shamsie’s Burnt Shadows
Article in Press
Pakistani English Literature is closely linked with the experience of immigration that deals mainly with the geographical displacement stemming out with the displacement of culture, history and ideas. It causes deep psychological crises as internal and moral conflict. The painful experiences of each individual are depicted brilliantly in the works of Kamila Shamsie, Nadim Aslamand and Mohsin Hamid. The confusion between...
Article in Press
It is an understatement to say that the French colonialism weakened and slow the development in French colonies but rather destroyed and uprooted the indigenous languages of West Africa through the policy of assimilation. The reverberation of the assimilation policy is a loss of sense of belonging among the indigenous people as well as destroying the only means of African cultural, economic and technological development....
Article in Press
This paper explores how term creation has been employed by various political parties in Zimbabwe to spread their ideologies and to garner support for their policies and manifestos. It is the conviction of the researchers that through studying the created political terms one is able to weave a rich analysis of the political landscape and learn a lot about political developments within any given country. This paper seeks to...
The fence landscape design in Southern Taiwan’s fishing port areas
Article in Press
Taiwan is located in geographical environment surrounded by sea, which makes fishery an important part of Taiwan’s economic development. However, marine culture has been overlooked for a long time, due to the impact of globalization. It is important to redefine regional environment and re-planning urban visual space based on the relevant mechanism problems for new ecology and industrial policy. These are important...
Reading Signs in Culture:Local Wisdom of Javanese Tradition
Article in Press
Javanese as one of the tribes in Indonesia has various types of symbols. Symbols that exist in the Javanese culture reflect a variety and type according to geographical location. In this case the author discusses the existing various symbols in the Javanese community as a repertoire of local wisdom of the communities. This article argues that conceptually, symbols represent the mindset of Javanese society. This study uses...
Article in Press
The aim of this study was to examine the practicality of Alternative Assessment in Ethiopian higher education Amharic Language context. The study also endeavor to seek the barriers that hinder the implementation of Alternative Assessment. In order to achieve the goals of the present study, the researcher used Assessment preference questionnaire and in-depth interview instruments. The data collected from 35 Amharic Language...
Article in Press
According to existing literature on verbal morphology of agglutinating languages, there are morphological behaviors characterized by creation of new verb stems from existing roots by affixation of derivative morphemes to the roots. The affixes are referred to as verbal extensions. Verbal extensions have syntactic characteristics realized in verbal matrices of verbs they get attached to. This paper discusses the syntactic...
Review of the book: The waiting poetry anthology
Article in Press
During the years 2012 to 2017, many volumes of poetry and anthologies were published; however, the study briefly introduce here just two of those volumes: Rosie Garland's Everybody Must Go and Helen Dunmore's Inside the Wave, and one book of criticism, Cancer and Poetry, by Iain Twiddy which discusses some of the significant theoretical problems related to cancer and its expression in the poetry genre. Twiddy's book...
Article in Press
Kiong is a Delta-Cross language spoken in Odukpani and Akamkpa LGAs in Cross River State by the Okoyong people. Variants of the language names are Kurop, Korop ,Korup, Akayom, Okonyong and Dorup. The Okoyong claim a Bantu origin, from the South Central Africa. Migration is said to have brought them to Cameroon, where they lived for decades before their final settlement in Nigeria. A remnant of Kiong-speaking people still...
Article in Press
The study investigated Mainland Chinese English teachers' perceptions of culture and intercultural competence, culture teaching and the development of intercultural competence in their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes. Drawing on a mixed-method multiple case study research design, this study focused on six Chinese EFL teachers in a key senior high school in Mainland China. The findings of the study revealed that...
Article in Press
This research dealt with hora (salty mineral water) and its ritualistic aspect among the Maccaa Oromo. It aims at exploring the hora (salty mineral water) and its ritualistic contents in social and natural environments of the Maccaa Oromo. The study areas were purposively selected based on its historical background and valuable information related with hora obaasuu and its ritual and there are some hora sites in West Shoa...
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