Journal of
Languages and Culture

  • Abbreviation: J. Lang. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6540
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLC
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 134

Table of Content: October; 4(8)

October 2013

Narrative prose and its different types

In general, prose is a written word which is near to an ordinary, colloquial and oral speech and lack of a literary explanation; for example, the prose of several inscriptions which is in a form of Dari language and literary expla-nation in them that indicates the aim of creating a work in the form of Persian Prose is not clear (Zarin Koob, 1986). In particular, prose is a word, although it is not a usual thing in...

Author(s): Zahra Iranmanesh

October 2013

Intertextuality of Deor

The Deor is a poem found in the Exeter Book and included in the Old English elegies. The main purpose of this contribution is to highlight the possible intertextual links of the poem. After an outline of the old English elegies and a brief review of the most significant passages from the elegies, this short poem will be analyzed stanza by stanza. An attempt will be made to demonstrate that the...

Author(s): Raimondo Murgia

October 2013

A correlated analysis of students’ SSCE grade and performance in first year Use-of-English: A case study of Fountain University, Osogbo

As a result of globalization, there has been need for people of varying backgrounds to interact at both the official and unofficial levels and certain languages such as English, French, German and Arabic have become second languages in many communities of the world, where they serve as languages of communication, interaction and relationships. Nigeria, being a British colony, adopted the English Language as its...

Author(s): Labo-Popoola and S. Olubunmi

October 2013

The effects of the verbal language on the performance of children with hearing impairments in mathematics in Zimbabwe

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the verbal language (English) on children with Hearing impairments in their performance in mathematics. The study emerged from observation of practice, personal experiences and discussion with fellow teachers. Children under study were drawn from Bulawayo the second largest city and Gweru the third biggest city of Zimbabwe. Questionnaires were completed by a sample...

Author(s): Gloria Charema and John Charema