Based on semi-structure interviews and secondary data, this paper examines the westernization of audiences - among other phenomena - as a serious challenge to the indigenization paradigm in Nigeria in particular and Africa as a whole. It pragmatically argues that this westernization of local audiences theoretically implies the shaping of media output (programming) according to audience interest which, unarguably, is progressively in favor of foreign content. Though commending the indigenization model – for representing a pertinent strategy for curbing the rampaging awful effects of cultural/media imperialism -, the paper argues that the “cloning” of Nigerian audiences into westerners theoretically calls for the instauration of a model of programming that is rather more inclined to heavy foreign media content. This is in line with the fact that, in principle, audience interest is a more cardinal and decisive factor in shaping media content and programming. The paper goes further to recommend moves towards “de-westernizing” and “(re)enculturating” Nigerian audiences. These moves would consist of a network of well planned cultural activities involving other influential social institutions such as religious and education institutions and the family. Through these activities Nigerian audiences may be sensitized to the necessity of conserving their authentic cultural identity (their “Nigerianness”/ “Nigerianity”) and resist their “cloning” into westerners or Americans. Such resistance would make Nigerian audience ready consumers of local media content.
Key words: Westernization, media/cultural imperialism, indigenization model, world information order, audience Interest.
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