Journal of
Media and Communication Studies

  • Abbreviation: J. Media Commun. Stud.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2545
  • DOI: 10.5897/JMCS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 232

Full Length Research Paper

Model of communicative competence formation

Bissenbayeva Zhanat*
  • Bissenbayeva Zhanat*
  • Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty City, Micro District Ak Bulak, Chulanova Street, No 129, Flat 18, Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Google Scholar
Ubniyazova Shyryn
  • Ubniyazova Shyryn
  • Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty City, Micro District Ak Bulak, Chulanova Street, No 129, Flat 18, Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Google Scholar
Saktaganov Balabek
  • Saktaganov Balabek
  • Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty City, Micro District Ak Bulak, Chulanova Street, No 129, Flat 18, Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 21 April 2012
  •  Accepted: 04 November 2013
  •  Published: 28 February 2015


In recent years, in line with the communicative and especially cognitive-communicative approaches in native and foreign methodology, the problem of forming the abilities of communicative competence "as the main component of the professional qualifications competency of the modern specialist" is being actively developed.  At the same time, monitoring the process of teaching FL in educational establishments shows that students do not possess the most important skills of communicative competence. Often students are not able to consistently and persuasively express their point of view, replacing the logic of the arguments with unsubstantiated statements; students do not have the specific lexis and cannot intrude in the professional communications. From this, it follows that the formation of communicative competence skills should be seen as a purposeful process that requires considerable pedagogical effort.

Key words: Methodology, model, communicative competence, communication.


Problem statement

The problem of forming abilities in communicative competence "as the main component of the professional qualifications competency of the modern specialist" is discussed in line with communicative and especially cognitive-communicative approaches in native and foreign methodology (Kunanbaeva, 2010).  At the same time, the monitoring process of teaching FL in educational establishments shows that students do not possess the most important skills of communicative competence. Students are not often able to consistently and persuasively express their point of view; they replace the logic of  the  arguments  by  unsubstantiated  statements; they do not have the specific lexis and cannot intrude in the professional communications. From this, it follows that the formation of communicative competence skills should be seen as a purposeful process that requires considerable pedagogical effort.


The main objective of our research is to develop a methodological model of the students’ communicative competence formation.


Based on theoretical and methodological provisions of the new philosophy of education, we have developed a method of forming communicative competence using the video clips with communicative situations

This conceptual approach is one of the varieties of student-centered approach in teaching foreign language for communication. In accordance with the laws of the theory of developmental education, the organization of the third stage is modeled on the development of creativity and cognitive activity in the students.


The term "model" in modern works on the methodology of teaching foreign language is used in different ways and therefore has many definitions.       

In the most general sense, a model is known as a specially designed construction of the researched object to reproduce some of the properties and qualities of a true object or its individual aspects under investigation. "The Model as a research tool, as mentioned by Voronin (1984) should reflect the evidence, facts, relationships in a particular field of knowledge in simple and understandable form, and should be convenient and accessible for analysis and conclusions”. Every model by itself expresses an approximation, a limited view of the structure and functions of this or that object [Karasik, 2003].      

Widely used term in FL teaching methodology is "modeling," which describes the process of creating the models. Modeling is carried out by constructing models that preserve and reflect the main features of the object of the research. The basis of modeling is a scientific theory, reflecting the research area, its regulations and principles, as well as experimental data and real facts. Modeling as a scientific mode of knowledge invariably involves making observations, experiments, calculations, logical analyses of the models and using the results to make an assessment of the phenomena and processes occurring in the real object. During the modeling it is always better to take into consideration that even a well-constructed model does not reveal the essence of holistic research object, because modeling is often associated with the selection of only certain aspects of the object [winter, 1991].

An important condition in the model study is the reliance on the certain principles, which include:

1. Visibility which means the obvious expression of a model, its constructive display etc.;

2. Certainty which means a clear allocation of certain aspects of the object;

3. Objectivity which means independence of the research on personal beliefs of the researcher.

Modeling is characterized by its particular stages of implementation.  In its early stages, a thorough study of previous experiences of the investigated object must be assumed with its scientific data. This data must be considered throughout the phrases of the study.

We proceed to the next step of our research in constructing a model of the chosen object which is presented by the process of communicative competence formation of students at universities.

Clarification of the purposes of teaching communicative competence skills and identifying the range of communicative competence skills allows us to represent the general scheme, so called model for constructing the process of communicative competence formation in the form of steps (Figure 1).



We consider that a way that creates a situation as close to the natural situation and helps to use foreign language communicative activities in a foreign language class is the use of video clips with the non-deployed situation in order to solve the pragma - professional tasks.

What is the video clip with the non-deployed situation?  This is a video fragment, which gives only a hint to some action and requires the decision of the pragma-professional tasks. The same fragment could be the basis for several decisions. Creating this type of psychological setting contributes to the development of creative thinking, which is essential for generating your own text [Khaleeva, 1989].

The formation of communicative competence on the basis of video clips with the non-deployed situation is a form of communication, which is, on one hand, based on the features of communication as a social phenomenon in all its diversity, on the other hand, represents the integrative activities related to the transformation of information.

It is logical to ask, "What should be the organization of educational activities based on texts and video clips where a dialogue can occur?’’  In the last few years, the works of Dridze et al. (2013) give a very clear answer.

Organization of training for communication on the basis of the text should be adequate to the basic laws of the communication process, which should include:

1. Activity character of verbal behavior of participants of communication, motivation of which must be executed:

a. in the communicative behavior of the teacher as a participant in the process of communication and

b. in the communicative (motivated, active) behavior of students as subjects of communication and      learning;

2. Situational attribution, which implies the most common options for student interaction as a part of the teaching model;

3. Objectivity of the communication process that should be expressed in a limited, but the exact set of discussion (issues, events) topics;

4. Using emotions as an expression of personal relationship to the subject of speech;

5. The content of the communication process, which implies the presence of speech means providing learning interaction.

Thus, if in the classroom there are no appropriate conditions, there is no communication, but only a scrimmage work on mastering another dose of linguistic material. The most effective and efficient means of creating incentives for communicative competence are video clips with non-deployed situation.

Methodological skills training model of communicative competence on the basis of video clips with non-deployed situation represent by itself a consistent implementation of a number of objectives to be achieved at different stages of its organization.

Based on theoretical and methodological provisions of the new philosophy of education, we have developed a method of forming communicative competence using video clips with non-deployed situation.

This conceptual approach is one of the varieties of student-centered approach in teaching foreign language to communicate. In accordance with the laws of the theory of developmental education is modeled the organization of the third stage, which is a creative stage of students’ cognitive activity development. At this stage the following cognitive skills are formed and receive further development: observation, analysis, anticipation, advancing hypotheses, classification, staging and vision of problems, the ability to refer critically to the content of the received information, the ability to formulate and argue students’ own point of view, summarize information, and to present counterarguments.

Using video clips with non-deployed situation allows from the beginning to put the problem before a group:

a) educational task, which is to achieve the cognitive, creative activity

b) socio-psychological activity offering implementation of pragma-professional tasks of certain culture of communication and the definition of professional-relevant skills during the performance.

The model which has been developed by us simulated the process of communicative competence formation and can be formalized in the following way.

Methodical training model of communicative competence formation on the basis of video clips will simulate speech-thinking activity as a process, and thus we can bring them to a product of its own text, that is, a discursive activity.

In constructing the methodological model of the communicative competence formation is necessary to specify the full range of tasks in the formation of communicative competence, on the one hand, in the aspect of the creation of the students’ knowledge of linguistic aspects (language material), on the other hand, in terms of mastery of their specific professional activity (which includes competency in communicative skills.  As this model is based on the textual theory developed by Dridze (2013) and the theory of context-centered learning, the main advantages according to researchers, are to enhance the professional motivation and creative attitude to the communicative competence.

From April 7 to May 17, 2010 we made an experiment with first and second course students who specialized in “Interpretation”, to check the proposed training model of CC on the basis of MPT. 

The experiment included three consecutive stages:

1. Preparatory organizationally - a methodical stage;

2. An experiment forming stage;

3. A stage of the ascertaining – investigative experiment;

During preparatory stage the following tasks have been done:

1. Observation, questioning, conversation.

2. To consider the stages of an experiment

3. To provide equivalent conditions for students of experimental and skilled groups, except the variable of experimental and skilled training this is exposed to be checked during this stage,  inclusions in training model with experimental group the texts developed by us and selection by a communicative situation which will be a basis for CC formation.

4. To carry out pre-experimental CC knowledge and skills diagnostics.

The ascertaining stage

To reveal quantitative and qualitative characteristics of results and their corresponding process to get data acquisition about CC formation of abilities.

Investigative stage

To carry out a post-experimental test in experimental and control groups for level identification of students’ formed abilities, applying specially picked up communicative tasks.

Next step of experiment preparation was planning. We specified the following varied and not varied conditions:

1) in experimental group (101)-30 students and in control (104)-20 students.

2) total of h (6 h per week)

3) training terms (5 weeks).

The varied condition was only one: the system of training which is naturally different from traditional structure of class lesson and technique of carrying out, and also an educational and methodical material. In this experimental group a series of specially picked up communicative tasks were used. In control group the English textbook was applied.

Pre-experimental test (diagnostic test)

The purpose of a pre-experimental test was to reveal students’ level of formed abilities which are necessary for professionally foreign language focused communication. The situation demanding professionally focused com-munication was offered for students.

Basic elements of CC external structure

1. The purpose which is directly expressed by speaking/ obtaining information, including estimation, clarification of positions/opinions/, opinion support, subject development, an explanation etc.

2. Features of speaking process: ?) number of inclusions in conversation, duration of participation in conversation.

3. Using speaking judgments/proposals of partners.

A. The characteristic of relationship of partners in CC.

1. Expression of a status - situational role of speaker / leader, the erudite etc.

2. Communicative strategy and tactics.

3. Emotional and estimated response of audience to the speaker.

B. The generalized characteristics of CC.

1. General tone of communication.

2. Repertoire of speech roles.

Two groups of Faculty of English participated in experiment 101 and 104. The group 104 was control, and in experimental group 101, formation of CC was carried out on the basis of the technique for forming CC, using MPT.

In this regard, the list of educational programs, within specialty, was established by an academic council of institute, and their compliance of requirements for foreign language speech level, by the society to the expert – interpreter is analyzed.

In a search result way of forming communicative competence needs of students was defined, that is fields of activity of future experts adequate to modern social conditions and, according to the received data were revealed; the process aspect of training is made.

To study communicative requirements of trainees, questionnaires were developed, which helped to examine the students studying English as professional course during 10 semesters and the students studying English as foreign language during 4 semesters. 

50 students were examined using the questionnaire, ‘’Definition of communicative needs of the students studying English’’ - as professional on the C-1, C-2 levels; 50 students studying English as a foreign language were examined using the questionnaire, ‘Definition of communicative requirements’. 

This survey was administrated on an anonymous basis outside the class. The data results were processed and shown in three general questionnaires (separately by each kind of questioning) with indication of total examined and percentage of answers "yes" or "no". Besides that, it is necessary to notice that the questionnaire ‘Definition of communicative requirements of the students studying English language as professionals’ was in three stages:

? stage – What would you like to learn during English language classes?

?? stage – what you would want to learn during English language classes (choose only 6 answers);

??? stage - what you would want to learn during English language classes (choose only 3 answers).

So, from the results of students’ questionnaire, who are studying in language based faculties, it is possible to draw the following conclusions.

1. Very low level of interest is shown by students to study grammar and phonetics of English language.

2. Much bigger interest is shown by students to study history, traditions and customs of the studied language countries. 

During the preparation, an interpreter is necessary to consider variety of values existing in the world, norms of life ways and cultures, cultural and civilized aspects of interaction, constantly accumulating process of interpenetration of various cultures and civilizations. The graduate has to know the structure of public consciousness and its main forms, essence and existence of the person, concept of the personality, democracy and personal freedom, the main spheres of society life.

First of all, the education system at the present stage provides people with such knowledge, skills, that is, communicative competence which is necessary for life. The greatest interest, which in our opinion is quite natural, is shown by students to the questions related to their future specialty (on average about 90%).

It is important that about 60% of students wish to learn to translate texts and articles from scientific magazines, according to their specialty, into English and only 15% were on the contrary. This fact can be easily explained in this case by means of obtaining information from foreign sources.

According to the second stage of questioning in which trainees had to select only six answers, it is possible to draw a conclusion that results of the first stage questioning were almost completely proved (different in some percent).

According to the third stage of questioning students have allocated for themselves not only those points which are directly connected with their future specialty, but also the questions connected with knowledge complete representation history of Kazakhstan, the basic stages of its development, policy, and also history of other leading states and world civilizations, in order to understand meaning and mechanisms of historical continuity.

Apart from questioning students for revealing the communicative requirements of the future experts, students who are trained in English language 4 semesters also have been questioned. In total we examined 30 students. Students-respondents were offered the opportunity to note those kinds of works which they had completed during their practical components.

Thus, the researcher must analyze the data of the questionnaire among students (20 people) studying English language during 4 terms.

Firstly, 61% of respondents had never read books of English-speaking writers in the original.

Secondly, in case of necessity, professionally related translating graduate students note need of translations from English to native, instead of vice versa (about 80-85% against 15-20%).

Thirdly, quite seldom (only 12-14% from total number of respondents) read magazines or newspaper articles that had a political nature. Practically, all respondents note need of free orientation at household level and abilities to make official papers in English correctly (the statement, the missive, the official report). Having analyzed results of this questionnaire, it is possible to draw a conclusion that in practical activities after graduating from higher educational institution, students do not only have the ability to use a foreign language in connection with the received specialization (ability to conduct conversation on professional subjects.), but also have the  ability to support conversation at household level, to make official papers and also know the knowledge of culture and customs of the studied language country that almost completely coincides with requirements of foreign language learning students.

From the results received from the questioning, and also results that were pulled out from colleagues, communicative competence of students is defined as set of skills which not only will help them with their further practical activities, but also will make them full, educated participants of the world community.

The contents and results of a training (forming) stage

On the basis of the designed pedagogical technology including 4 aspects of training, the training stage includes introduction of pedagogical practice for teaching of developed pedagogical technology of students’ communicative competence formation and the organization of training experiment, which was at the stage.

Control and experimental groups were in English practical classes. In the experimental group the professor carried out practical training of English 6 h per week during 6 semesters. Classes in control group were carried out with traditional technology by another senior teacher. Both groups belong to one academic stream.

At the initial training stage both groups have undergone the general communicative competence form level testing. The analysis of the results has shown that experimental and control groups have no essential distinctions in character of knowledge and abilities in English language (Figure 2).



On the basis of the allocated criteria to evaluate formed level of students communicative competence at for results registration of experiment training stage, from October 2011 to February 2012, the statistical accounts of every trainee of control and experimental groups were created, and also on each group trained in average where 10 points scale were used to estimate the following:

1. Motivation

2. Systematization of knowledge

Serious lacks in the field of foreign language skills by high school graduates lead to state’s material losses whereas graduates practically should possess necessary extra linguistic knowledge of modern foreign experience and information sources.

Diagnostics were carried out by the following methods: questioning; observation; conversations with teachers and students; progress analysis; testing; interviewing;

The ascertaining stage showed quite low level of formed communicative competence of interviewed students due to weak motivation.

The obtained data once again proved need of solutions search for effective problem of experts training in a foreign language (Figure 3).



The data received as a result of skilled training in experimental group showed the usage of the model developed by us in raising abilities of CC. There are: observation, analysis, anticipation, promotion of hypotheses, classification, vision and statement of problems, a choice of decision, ability to critically look at contents of received information, ability to formulate and give reason of own point of view, to summarize information, to put forward counter arguments.

Having considered existing approaches in a technique of formation of CC we conclude that:

1. Formations of CC is considered as one of the main directions

2. CC promotes motivation increase in studying of foreign language

3. As a result of the research, the model of CC formation was developed

4. Experimental-skilled work is carried out

Our training experiment confirmed the theoretical validity of the methodical model offered by us which can be accepted and effective in higher educational institutions.


In the research, attempt was made to create a technique of CC formation during English classes for first and second year students studying on specialty. For achievement of the purpose the following tasks were solved:

1. Theoretical bases of formation of CC are opened

2.  Principles   and   requirements for CC formation are defined;

3. The nomenclature of abilities of CC is defined;

4. The complex of exercises is developed for abilities formation of CC;

5. The methodical model of formation of CC on the basis of MPT is developed;

6. Efficiency of the developed methodical model is experimental by practical consideration checked;

Results of experimental and skilled training show that CC control facility at lessons MPT can act.


The author has not declared any conflict of interests.



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