Full Length Research Paper
This study investigated the chemical composition of Bottlebrush leaves for its ascribed mythical medicinal uses. Bottlebrush leaves were collected from the Nigerian institute of science laboratory technology premises in Ibadan, Nigeria. Proximate analyses, phytochemical screening, elemental analysis and antioxidant analysis were carried out on the leaves extract. This study has provided a scientific justification that the leaves contained relevant phyto constituents such as Alkaloids, cardenolodes, tannins, cardiac glycosides, saponin and steroids while flavonoid, terpenoids, phenol, antraquinones and resins are absent. The proximate analysis revealed an appreciable amount of carbohydrate (50.46%), ash content (6.6%), moisture content (8.95%), crude protein (12.54%), and fiber content (15.75%) in the leave. The mineral analysis showed a massive amount of calcium (4931.29 mg/Kg), magnesium (4447.14 mg/Kg) and potassium (1714.41 mg/Kg, in the bottlebrush leaves while zinc (15.66 mg/Kg), iron (287.70 mg/Kg) and manganese (51.90 mg/Kg) were detected in minimal amount, chromium, sodium and copper were absent in the leaves. The results of inhibition of leave extract of bottlebrush also indicated that it is a good source of antioxidant in moderate concentrations when compared with that of vitamin C. The presence of secondary metabolites in the leave extract suggests that bottlebrush could be a good source of antioxidants, phyto-constituents and minerals.
Key words: Antioxidant, Bottlebrush, Phyto-constituent, Proximate analysis.
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