Full Length Research Paper
Eleutherine bulbous (Mill.) Urb, Iridaceae, is a native plant and quite common in several regions of America, commonly known as “coquinho” being widely used in the folk medicine for the treatment of giardiasis, amoebiasis and diarrhea. This paper presents a literature review of studies about Eleutherine bulbous including aspects of taxonomy, synonymies, geographical distribution, ethnopharmacology, chemistry and pharmacology studies from several databases (Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Medline, Lilacs, Web of Science, Science Direct, PubMed, Food and Drugs Administration) and data bank of patents. The research was also carried on some thesis, dissertations, books and also in some whole articles covering the period from 1950 to 2015, using as key works Eleutherine, Eleutherine bulbous and its botanical synonymies. The studies indicated several works in the field of ethnopharmacology, prevailing employment in gastrointestinal disorders, especially diarrhea and giardiasis, proving the potential of the species for investments in research and development of new therapies.
Key words: Eleutherine bulbous (Mill.) Urb., coquinho, review, diarrhea, giardiasis.
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