A thirty-year-old woman with a history offirst degree prolapse with cystocele and enterocele after ten days of normal delivery was referred for physiotherapy. The patient complained of general discomfort and low back pain while walking. She was treated using faradic electrical stimulation with 2000ms pulse duration and lOOOms pulse interval at an intensity of 37mA. This output was used for 20 minutes at each treatment session twice a weekfor seven weeks. The indifferent electrode was placed at the lumbosacral region with the patient in supine position. The active electrodewasplacedinfrontofthelabia majusdue to a lack of vaginal electrode, and the patient was asked to cross her legs in order to hold the electrode in place with the adductor muscles. The prolapse resolved and the low back pain disappeared after seven weeks oftreatment.
Key words: electrostimulation, uterine prolapse, pelvic floor muscles, exercise.