This article examines the use of integrative propositional analysis (IPA) to assess the internal logic structures of policy, to complement policy analysis and evaluation for improved implementation. Integrative propositional analysis is a methodology that studies causal logics of conceptual systems and is used to evaluate a policy’s internal coherence. The article is based on a study of the application of the integrative propositional analysis methodology. The study is aimed at evaluating the assessment of the internal logic of the Gauteng Mental Marathon Project implemented in the Gauteng province in South Africa, which served as a strategic plan from the National Mental Health Policy Framework and its implementation outcomes. The qualitative methodology was adopted using a triangulation of secondary data. Data for the study was collected from YouTube video testimonies, textual records of the Life Esidimeni Arbitration, the Health Ombudsman’s report and the arbitration judgement of Judge Motseneke, including other media commentaries. The suggestions are twofold, firstly, applying the model in diagnosis of the Gauteng Mental Marathon Project indicates a workable study of the internal logic structure of policy as a useful complementary tool for improving policy and implementation. Then secondly, it assists policy makers to gauge the potential success and implementation by creating an objective understanding of the logicality of policy as not determined by intuition which constraints ability to overcome policy analysis limitations and implementation challenges.
Keywords: : Integrative propositional analysis, Gauteng Mental Marathon Project, conceptual systems, policy analysis.