Journal of
Public Administration and Policy Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Public Adm. Policy Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2480
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPAPR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 151

Article in Press

socio -Economic Profiles of Political leaders among Fisherwomen in Orissa : A Case Study

Susmita Patnaik

  •  Received: 13 August 2015
  •  Accepted: 16 January 2020
The present study aims at examining conditions and role of marine fisher women of Ganjam district of Orissa. Ganjam district is one of the most important fisheries resources of Orissa. There are about one lakhs fisherwomen living in about 114 villages in and around the coastal area. The percapita income of the fisherwomen is very low. There are social divisions among the fisherwomen and they are not united. The fisher women are exploited by large number of middle men at various levels .The various problems of the fisherwomen have been studied in detail such as sex ration age groups, professions, employment, marketing, income, indebtedness, education, residence, water supplies, health care etc. The socio economic conditions marine fisher women have been examined. Only a few studies have been undertaken on Nolias or marine fisherfolk of Orissa. These studies, conducted mostly by Economists, lack to a great extent, in sociological and political analysis of the life and society of Nolias. Further, few scholars have so far specifically focused on Nolia women. The poor woman takes the double burden of managing the household works and working outside to reinforce and supplement the income earned by her husband. If she is a widow and her children are too small to work, she has no option but to work outside. Though an income-earner, she is invariably a victim of ‘double deprivation’. She has no voice in the family in which the male is dominant. She has no respect in the society because she is working outside. She is vulnerable to criticism and humiliation because she violates social values by working outside. There is also the danger of sexual assault. The workforce is not safe for her nor is she safe in the jungle or on the lone road on which she returns home late in the evening. These are widespread perceptions about women who work outside their houses in their effort to earn an income for their family. Employment contributes to the economic empowerment of woman. But social values and hazards are impediments they encounter. A working woman- self employed or engaged by somebody-invites several kinds of challenges and dangers, more so in a feudal society like India. Orissa, one of the poorest and most backward states of the county, is also largely feudal in its values and attitudes. But, feudalism, which is anti-women, is however not equally present in all regions, all classes and all castes/tribes. It has been argued that poor women of backward communities are less susceptible to social norms and code of conduct. Gender bias is endemic, but unlikely to completely stop women from stepping out of the house in search of work. This brief framework may help us better understand the economic life of Nolia women. The present study is an attempt to fill in this research gap. This study discussed the role and participation of Nolia women in different election held in Orissa and it also discussed their voting behavior electoral approach

Keywords: Nolia, Fishery sector, Voting Behaviour, Panchyat Election, Assembly, Electoral approach