Full Length Research Paper
Combining ability estimates were studied for seed yield, yield components and other morphological traits in six sesame parental lines and their 15 F1 hybrids crossed in half diallel for two consecutive seasons 2012/2013 - 2013/2014 at Gadaref University Farm, Gadaref, Sudan. Combining ability analysis revealed that both additive and non additive types of gene actions were important in the studied traits. For days to 50% flowering and days to maturity, Khidir was the only parent that scored negative general combining ability (GCA) effects in both seasons. Therefore it was desired to be selected for earliness. For seed yield kg/ha and the yield related characters viz., 1000- seed weight and the yield per plant, significant positive SCA effects were observed by the crosses, Kenana-2 X Gd 002SPSN-12 and Promo X Gd2002SPSN.12, whereas, negative significant effects were showed by Gadarif-1 XUmshagera. The rest of the crosses combinations were inconsistent across the seasons, some of them recorded a positive value in one season and a negative values in another one. Khidir and Promo recorded a positive significant GCA effects for the yield and its components at least in one season. Moreover, Promo was the best combiner with other parental lines for earliness since it recorded negative SCA values. Therefore, Khidir, Promo and Gd2002SPSN.12 could be recommended to produce progeny having high yield and early maturing hybrids, through recurrent selection or reciprocal cross.
Key words: Combining ability, sesame hybrids, sesame yield, yield components.
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