Full Length Research Paper
Fungal, bacterial and viral diseases are economic foliar diseases that cause yield losses, between 40 and 100%, in commonly grown dry bean cultivars in the world. Development of disease resistance genotypes is a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors. This study focused on determining the natural infection of disease-causing pathogens of angular leaf spot, powdery mildew, bacterial blight and bean common mosaic virus in different agro-ecologies in relation to grain yield. Diversity of 211 bean genotypes were tested at two different disease hot spots areas under incomplete block design, with two replications for two cropping seasons in Tanzania. Diseases severity was significantly different (p<0.001) for genotypes and their interactions with the environment and season. Higher disease severity was observed at Lyamungo site than Selian site. Effects of genotypes by environment were observed with maximum yield of 2170 kg/ha to low yield of 398 kg/ha with the grand mean of 1151.54 kg/ha. High annual rainfall and relative humidity contributed to disease development among the tested environment. Five genotypes (FEB 189, A774, NUA 16, KG 71-4 and DOR 766) expressed trait of resistance to above diseases and are advised to be incorporated in breeding programs for enhancing dry bean productivity.
Key words: Diseases, losses, productivity, G*E interaction.
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