Full Length Research Paper
Genotype x Environment interactions and identification of stable genotypes in crop breeding programs for the production of grain crops under rain fed environments have become challenging. The study aimed to identify high yielding and stable durum wheat genotypes that are best suited for the relatively long season, high rain fall wheat growing environment of Ethiopia. In the study a total of 51 durum wheat genotypes including three standard check varieties was evaluated at six locations representing the four major wheat growing zones of Ethiopia from 2020-2021. The grain yield data were analyzed using AMMI and GGE biplot stability models. The genotypes showed a wide range of variability based on their grain yield at different locations. The analysis of variance indicated highly significant differences on grain yield between genotypes lines, environment and their interaction. The G-25 DW193667 ranked best for (CD and KU) and G7 DW 184042(DZ and Adet) and G-1(Enwary) based on grain yield performance. Genotypes 7 DW 184042and 25 DW193667were identified as the most stable based on AMMI model and GGE biplot analysis. The GGE biplot indicated Debre-Zeit (E9) to be an ideal environment followed by Adet (E7) that could be recommended for future wheat program to wards identifying the most adapted genotypes.
Key words: AMMI, durum wheat, GGE, and grain yield stability.
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