The present investigation was carried out using 30 different sorghum genotypes grown in randomized block design from June-Dec. 2019. All genotypes were evaluated and classified on the basis of various DUS parameters viz., qualitative and quantitative as per the guidelines for the conduct of test for Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability on sorghum by PPV & FRA, GOI. The observation were taken on five randomly selected plants of each genotype for various 18 morphological characters viz, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, midrib color, plant height(cm), no. of tillers/plant, no. of leaves/plant, leaf length (cm), leaf breadth(cm), leaf:stem ratio, stem diameter (mm), panicle shape, grain color, green fodder yield q/ha , stover yield q/ha, dry fodder yield q/ha, grain yield q/ha, 100 grain weight and panicle length. Results revealed that out of 30 genotypes, for 50% flowering, late (76-85) days (24) and very late (>85) days (6); midrib color white (6) and yellow green (24); panicle shape, 8 genotypes were panicle border in lower part (8), panicle border in upper part (4), pyramidal (5) and symmetrical (13); grain color grayed white (5), white grain color (13), yellow white (5) and greyed yellow (7). Similarly for quality traits enough variability is there like for TSS% range was from 5.76 (PC1080) to 8.75 (CSF 32F); for hydrocyanic acid content it ranged from 13.76 (GFS 5) to 94.06 (PC 3) in different genotypes and for crude protein content various genotypes ranged from 6.76 % (SH 1532) to 8.7% (S652). The outcome of this study gives us immense information about the genetic architecture of the genotypes and their interaction within a specified environment for further genetic improvement
Keywords: Sorghum, characterization, fodder, morphological traits, quality traits