Full Length Research Paper
The objective of this study was to assess public participation in the implementation of simple measures taken to minimize waterborne disease in Yom riverside communities. The location of the study was the Srimsamrong district. From two sub-districts in the area, were the research team. They found that the cause of waterborne diseases in Yom riverside communities was a two step process: 1. Contamination of Yom river water with garbage and sewage from riverside communities and 2. drinking of contaminated water. The approach used to minimize waterborne disease in Yom riverside communities included: building simple sewage purification wells; providing buckets for toilets; creating garbage holes; sanctioning people who throw garbage into the river; withdrawing privilege from people who throw garbage into the river. The evaluation found that most of villagers were satisfied and expected positive changes. They thought this kind of strategy was easy to put into practice.
Key words: Participation, waterborne diseases.
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