Urbanization has led to complex challenges in healthcare in many cities globally. This study involved a Health Needs Assessment of Nairobi City County to elucidate the health dynamics among the diverse Nairobi City population. The Health Needs Assessment method encompassed profiling the Nairobi City County population in 17 sub-counties, identifying the prevailing health priorities, and recommending strategic interventions. Data was gathered on health status, language, age, literacy, gender, religion, and ethnicity. Other risk factors were also assessed on the community. The findings show high mortality rates caused by preventable diseases, the youthful population, and behavioural risk factors. In essence, priority health risks include violence, respiratory diseases, accidents, tuberculosis, and preterm birth. Strategies recommended should be evidence-based, including social protection, preventive services, rehabilitation of substance abuse, and housing improvements to combat the health needs identified. This Health Needs Assessment research serves as a significant framework for health planning in urban areas, facilitating interventions that are evidence-based and tailored to the given needs of the urban population.
Keywords: Health Needs Assessment, Urban Health, Nairobi City County