April 2017
Blood pressure pattern and hypertension related risk factors in an urban community in Southwest Nigeria: The Mokola hypertension initiative project, Ibadan, Nigeria
There is rising incidence of hypertension especially among children and young adults in Nigeria. Hypertension in childhood could be harbinger for adult hypertension. This study looked at the prevalence of hypertension in children and adults in an urban community. A cross sectional survey was conducted among 5,733 respondents aged 3 to 78 years residents in Mokola Ibadan, South Western Nigeria selected using a multistage...
April 2017
Role of treatment supporters beyond monitoring daily drug intake for TB-patients: Findings from a qualitative study in Nigeria
This research was conducted in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja of Nigeria and aimed at discovering areas of support needs required by TB patients from Treatment Supporters (TS), from the perspectives of TB patients, as compared to what the managers of TB program consider as ideal support. Here, qualitative design using Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), In-depth Interview (IDI) and Key Informant Interview (KII)...
April 2017
Health seeking behaviour among particularly vulnerable tribal groups: A case study of Nilgiris
The article hinged upon exploring the patterns and determinants of healthcare utilization and financing amongst particularly vulnerable tribal groups (PVTG's) in Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu. Three PVTG’s viz Paniyas (P), Kattunayakans (KN) and Bettakurumbas (BK) are explored in the study. These groups have some quint essential features impacting the healthcare seeking behaviour e.g. Paniyas were subject to...
April 2017
Risky sexual behavior and associated factors among youth in Haramaya Secondary and Preparatory School, East Ethiopia, 2015
World Health Organization (WHO) defines “youths” as age group of 15 to 24 years, and are characterized by significant physiological, psychological and social changes that place their life at high risk. Youth who initiate sexual activity earlier get exposed to risks such as sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy, at a time when their developmental status places them at a disadvantage in the...
April 2017
Malaria prevention practices among pregnant women resident in two Nigeria army barracks, Ibadan, South Western, Nigeria
Malaria in pregnancy is one of the major disease burdens of public health significance in sub-Saharan Africa. Comprehensive preventive strategy including intermittent preventive treatment and effective use of insecticide treated bed nets has been recommended among pregnant women in endemic regions. However the extent to which these preventive strategies are utilized are not fully explored among pregnant women living in...