Journal of
Public Health and Epidemiology

  • Abbreviation: J. Public Health Epidemiol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2316
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPHE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 665

Table of Content: October 2016; 8(10)

October 2016

The cost-effectiveness of an updated theory-based online health behavior intervention for new university students: U@Uni2

The transition to university marks a point where young people may be open to changing health behaviours such as smoking, exercise, diet and alcohol intake. This study aimed to estimate the cost-effectiveness of an updated online health behaviour intervention for new university students in the UK – “U@Uni2”, compared with both a control (measurement only) scenario and with the original intervention...

Author(s): Chloe Thomas, Penny Breeze, Mark Strong, Alan Brennan , Paul Norman, David Cameron and Tracy Epton

October 2016

The prevalence and predisposing factors of norovirus and astrovirus infection among diarrheic children in north east, Nigeria

This is a case-control study design that aims to determine the prevalence of norovirus and astrovirus infections in diarrheic children in Northeast region of Nigeria. Six hundred diarrheic stools (which were neither mucoid nor blood tinged) of children of 5 years or below were collected between May 2013 – April 2014. They were screened according to the manufacturer’s instruction, using a 3rd generation...

Author(s): Oyinloye, S. O., Aminu, M., Ella, E. E. and Jatau, E. D.

October 2016

Effect of an educational program on awareness of cervical cancer and uptake of Pap smear among market women in Niger State, North Central Nigeria

Cervical cancer is an important but preventable public health problem among women worldwide. Studies have shown low awareness about cervical cancer and its screening test. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of an educational intervention programme on awareness of cervical cancer and uptake of Pap smear by women in selected markets in Niger State, Nigeria. This was a quasi-experimental study...

Author(s): Gana, G. J., Oche, M. O., Ango, J. T., Raji, M. O., and Okafoagu, N. C.

October 2016

Creatinine height index as a predictor of nutritional status among patients with liver cirrhosis

Assessment of nutritional status in cirrhotic patients is very difficult, and there is no gold-standard method used for nutritional evaluation of these patients. The study aims to assess the role of creatinine height index in evaluation of nutritional status of patients with liver cirrhosis, and to compare its results with different ordinary methods used for nutritional assessment. The study was cross sectional...

Author(s): Medhat, A. Saleh, Ahmed, A. Obeidalla, Ahmed F. Thabet and Amal, M. Abdel Aal

October 2016

Analysis of hospital account of malaria cases in a Malawian hospital

The current study has been undertaken by studying the data from the hospital registers at the Kasugu District Hospital, Malawi.  The malaria cases of 2014 were chosen for the study. They typically represent disease distribution based on the ages and genders of the patients. The data suggest that the cure rates among patients under age 5 and above do not have any significant difference, contrary to the commonly...

Author(s): Richard E. Kang, David S. Chung, Seung Hyun Han, Brian Lee, Jeffrey Y. Lee, Allen Ho, Woohyung Lee, Sung-Jae Chung, and Jerome Z. Nkambule

October 2016

Road fatalities in Trinidad: A geographic information system approach

This paper aims to examine road fatalities using a GIS approach in Trinidad in an effort to provide recommendations on how road collisions and the number of casualties can be mitigated. In order to achieve this, the paper has examined a number of maps of Trinidad. The study examined data generated from maps of Trinidad using the Arc GIS Maps 10 software. Different variables were used to manipulate the data and these...

Author(s): Chavin D. Gopaul, Aruna Singh-Gopaul, Edison Haqq and Dave D. Chadee

October 2016

Morbidity and mortality due to severe diseases in Kasungu District, Malawi, Central Africa

Analysis of the distribution of patients and diseases in the Kasungu District Hospital of Malawi, a land locked country in south-eastern Africa, was presented. The statistics of reported diseases in the hospital data with variables such as disease types, patient types and times of the year were examined. It is shown in this study that many of the diseases endemic to Africa do generally occur in this selected district as...

Author(s): David S. Chung , Moon-Jun B. Kim , Richard E. Kang , Jamie Yoon , Seung Y. Choi , Judy Lee, Hannah Son, Ye J. Song , Jung Y. Choi, Peter Lee , Sohyun Chang , Sung M. Kang, Choongsung Lee , Joseph Park, George Talama, Jerome Z. Nkambule and Sung-Jae Chung