December 2010
High urinary iodine content (UIC) among primary school children in Ibadan, Nigeria, a public health concern
Urinary iodine excretion is a good marker for the dietary intake of iodine, and is the index for evaluating the degree of iodine deficiency, correction and toxicity. A study, investigating the random urinary iodine level in school children in Ibadan, a South-Western cosmopolitan city of Nigeria, has not been evaluated, thus the emanation of this study. Random urinary iodine was measured in 300 primary school children in...
December 2010
Experimental model to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of ‘Buzhong Yi Qi Wan’ on the survival of Escherichia coli submitted to treatment with stannous ion
Buzhong Yi Qi Wan’ is a combination of medicinal herbs widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat digestive and circulation disorders. It is an anti-inflammatory biocomplex with energizing and anti-cancer properties, and it should have an effect in natural killer cell (NK) activity, improving immunological capacity in elderly people. Substances present in the ‘Buzhong Yi Qi Wan’ extract could...
December 2010
Analyses of the effect of para- phenylenediamine Takaout roumia on the osmotic stability of human erythrocytes
This work analysed the effects of para- phenylenediamine (p-PD), a component in permanent hair dyes products on the osmotic stability of human’s erythrocytes. Hemolysis was monitored by measurement of absorbance at 412 nm following addition of erythrocytes to NaCl solutions of varying concentration. Absorbance was fitted to sigmoid regression curves given by Boltzmann equation, and hemolysis...