Full Length Research Paper
A survey to determine major prepartum and postpartum reproductive problems of dairy cattle was carried out in three selected dairy farms in Debre Zeit town. Retrospective data analysis together with survey on major prepartum and postpartum reproductive problems were carried out through regular clinical follow up. A retrospective analysis of clinical data collected from a total of 711 cows in three farms was done and 44.3% of the cows were found with major prepartum and postpartum reproductive problems. Postpartum anestrus (12.9%) was the major reproductive problem followed by repeat breeding (11.4%) in the retrospective study. A total of 104 cows were used in the regular follow up and 33.6% (n =35) were found to be affected either with one or more of clinical reproductive problems. Postpartum anestrus (12.5%) was found to be the leading reproductive problem followed by repeat breeding (10.6%), metritis (8.7%), abortion (6.7%), retained placenta (3.8%), dystocia (2.9%) and prolapse (1.9%). Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the difference in prevalence of the major reproductive problems on the basis of parity and body condition score. Hence, the impact of increasing parity on the occurrence of reproductive problems was examined and there is a direct relationship between increasing parity and prevalence of the reproductive problems with a highly significant variation (P<0.01) between primiparous and pluriparous cows. There is an inverse relationship of body condition and prevalence of reproductive problems with a highly significant variation (P<0.01). This study demonstrated that anestrus, repeat breeding, metritis and abortion were noticed as the most common major reproductive problems in the study farms in Debre Zeit town, Central Ethiopia.
Key words: Anestrus, postpartum, prepartum, repeat breeder, reproductive problems, survey.
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