Full Length Research Paper
The aim of this study was to evaluate the semen characteristics and fertility of Sennar jacks. Semen was collected between January and March using Missouri AV model and was subjected to gross and microscopic evaluation. Fertility was evaluated from pregnancy rate after AI was carried out with fresh semen on 12 Abyssinian jennies, 5 Sennar jennies and 17 local mares. Mean (±SD) total and gel-free volume; and spermatozoa concentration were 61.1±12.6 ml, 50.3±12.3 ml, and 257± 8.1 x 106/ml, respectively. Total and progressive sperm motility, sperm viability and abnormal sperm percentage were 84.2±2.1; 67.4 ± 6.1%, 89%, and 10.9±2.9, respectively. There was no significant individual difference in most semen parameters. Pregnancy rate was 40% (2/5) in Sennar jennie, 58.3% (7/12) in Abyssinian jennies and 64.7% (11/17) in mares. The study thus revealed that semen can be successfully collected and evaluated as part of a breeding soundness examination of Sennar jacks during cross breeding using AI. Further study on cryopreservation of semen and improving pregnancy rate after extending semen in optimized donkey semen extender is necessary in the future.
Key words: AI, fertility, Sennar jacks, semen, Ethiopia.
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