A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2015 to April 2016 with the objectives of determining the prevalence of fasciolosis and predominant species, identifying the associated risk factors and their association with severity of liver lesions and economic significance due to liver condemnation in cattle slaughtered in Wolaita Sodo Municipal Abattoir, Southern Ethiopia. All cattle brought for slaughter to Wolaita Sodo municipal abattoir during study period were included in the study. Risk factors such as age, body condition and season were considered. Out of 615 cattle examined during post mortem on liver inspection 119 (19.3%) were positive for fasciolosis with Fasciola hepatica (45.37%) as dominant species followed by Fasciola gigantica (25.21%). Age and body condition score were found to be significantly associated (P < 0.05) with occurrence of fasciolosis. But monthly prevalence analysis indicated non-significant association (P > 0.05) with the highest and lowest seasonal prevalence being recorded. Presence of significant association (P < 0.05) of degree of liver lesion with different age category, species of Fasciola and body condition score was also detected. Accordingly, slight, moderate and severe lesion rates in young animals were 42.4, 46.5 and 11.1% and in adult animals were 15, 60, and 25%, respectively. The study also assessed direct, indirect and total economic losses of 25748.95, 19,4662.116 and 220411USD per annum, respectively. Therefore, the study identified that bovine fasciolosis was important disease problem in the study area and avail the findings as indications to give serious attention to minimize the side effects of the problem.
Keywords: Abattoir, bovine, economic loss, fasciolosis, prevalence, Wolaita Sodo.