Full Length Research Paper
The science of climate change, its effects and adaptation measures have received much attention but climate change education and awareness are given very little attention. This prompted this study that analyses the level of climate change awareness in Nigeria. 1200 copies of the Questionnaire were administered in the two climatic zones (Tropical Maritime (mT) and Tropical Continental cT) of Nigeria. In mT climatic zone, three states were randomly selected and 4 in cT which summed up to seven states. In each state, the state capital was purposefully selected while a rural area within 100 km radius of the state capital was also randomly selected. The data were analysed using statistical techniques like percentages and Chi-square among others. The results show that majority of the respondents either in the rural or urban areas have limited knowledge about climate change while their sources of information slightly differ. Although aware that the climate is changing, majority are not aware of the impacts of climate change outside their immediate environment. Majority are not aware of the adaptive measures to be taken in the face of climate change impacts. The paper recommended among others that for sustainable development and to reduce the causal factors and effects of climate change, climate change education and awareness campaign must be vigorously pursued by all levels of government and NGOs.
Key words: Climate change awareness, environment, climatic zones, Tropical Maritime (mT), Tropical Continental (cT).
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