Full Length Research Paper
The aim of this article is to introduce, implement and control the voltage of one of the most important types of fuel cell, namely proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) during system load variations. Fuel cell output voltage should be kept in a constant value against the load variations, and a controller should be designed for this purpose. Here, the Lead-Lag Controller is used in which its coefficients are optimized based on genetic algorithm. In order to use this algorithm, at first, problem is written as an optimization problem which includes the objective function and constraints, and then to achieve the most desirable controller, Genetic Algorithm (GA) method is applied to solve the problem. Simulation results are done for various loads in time domain, and the results show the efficiency of the proposed controller in contrast to the previous controllers. Simulations show improved accuracy of the proposed controller performance to achieve this goal.
Key words: Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), genetic algorithm, lead lag controller-optimization problem
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