Full Length Research Paper
This work was carried out to evaluate the effects of seed bed preparation, fertilization and weed control (after planting) methods on growth and corn yield in Khuzestan. One field experiment was conducted as strip plot within randomized complete block design with 4 replications during 2009 and 2010. Three seed bed preparation consisted of planting in wet soil (locally named Makhar) + conventional tillage (plough + disk + leveler), planting in wet soil + reduced tillage (disk) and planting in dry soil + reduced tillage and were performed in horizontal plots. Two methods of fertilizing (broadcasting and planting) as main factor and weed controlling methods [once using of felid cultivator in 20 cm height of plants, two times using of felid cultivator in 20, 40 cm height of plant, using of two litersNicosufuron when the plant had 3 to 4 leaves, control without weed (hand weeding) and control with weed] as sub-factor were conducted in vertical plots. The results indicated that population and biomass dry weight of weed were significantly (P<%5) and were affected by planting in wet soil. Planting in dry soil caused reduction in the population and weed weight (30 and 40%) in Fifth week. In all tillage methods, effect of two times using of field cultivator and chemical control on grain yield and biological yield were statistically similar. In fertilizer planting method, grain yield and biological yield, kernel in rows and rows in ear were significantly (P<%1) more than planting broadcasting method. The most grain and biological yield were obtained in combination of planting in soil Makhar and fertilizer planting (in treatment of soil Makhar + planting + reduced tillage, grain yield was 9003.2 kg/ha). Two times using of cultivator reduced the population and weight of weed significantly more than chemical control in farm with plenty of Bindweed. In all of the fertilizer broadcasting methods, chemical control treatment had more yield, but in fertilizer planting method there was no significant difference between chemical and two times using of cultivator treatments. It seems that in corn farms when fertilizer is used, chemical control of weed is more effective and when plenty of fertilizer is used, two times using of cultivator is recommended.
Key word: Corn, weed management, fertilizing method, reduced tillage.
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