This study aims to explore Nigerian herbal practitioners' perceptions of the impact of telediagnosis and prescriptions in herbal medicine in prescribe towards improving medical healthcare service to patient at a distance. A descriptive cross-sectional study involving an anonymous electronic survey of a sample of 100 Nigerian herbal practitioners from 8 selected states. A 27-item, 5-point Likert-scale questionnaire assessing perceptions of herbal practitioners in four domains: usefulness of collaborative telediagnosis for patients and practitioner’s practice; and perceived concerns about the use of telediagnosis were developed and administered. The study was carried out in the South Western and North-Central part of Nigeria. The location in which the field work was conducted in the Southwestern Nigeria includes Oyo, Ogun, Lagos, Ekiti, Ondo and Osun State while the North Central Nigeria comprises of Kwara and Kogi States. More than 80% of respondents strongly agreed that telediagnosis and prescriptions in herbal medicine would improve herbal practitioners practice through enhancing communication with peers, guidance and referral of new patients. The majority also felt that telediagnosis is quite useful in improving patient management, and increasing patient satisfaction. A substantial proportion of respondents expressed uncertainty with technical reliability, privacy, practice expenses, the cost of setting up telediagnosis, time, trust, skill, and diagnostic accuracy. In conclusion, herbal practitioners generally reported optimism and support to the concept of telediagnosis and its integration into current practitioner practices. Addressing how telediagnosis can benefit specific practice issues, would encourage more herbal practitioners to use teleherbal in routine practice
Keywords: Collaborative telediagnosis; telemedicine; Herbal Practitioners perception; herbal medicine