October 2012
Exploring the challenges of molecular diagnostic techniques for clinical and veterinary microbiology in developing countries
The advent of molecular biology techniques for the detection, diagnosis, monitoring and characterization of microorganisms have revolutionalized as well as increased the reliability of microbiology laboratory results. The fact that laboratories always served as an early warning system for epidemiologic surveillance, the use of molecular techniques also placed a huge challenge on microbiologists all over developing...
October 2012
Issues of resistance of pathogens to antimicrobial agents
Antimicrobial resistance among pathogenic organisms is now a persistent problem and of tremendous public health care concern around the globe. These pathogens are able to develop mechanisms of resistance, the antimicrobial agents that were at one time the drug of choice. They continue to develop various mechanisms of resistance either by intrinsic or acquired, and have been able to transfer and accept different...
October 2012
Modeling and simulation of active front steering system
This paper includes the modeling and simulation of active front steering (AFS) system. AFS controls the front wheel steering angle to improve the steering feel and comfort. Driver and vehicle models are used for the simulation. AFS adjusts the yaw rate in critical driving maneuvers. The driver workload is reduced and the yaw rate response is diminished by AFS. Firstly, step function is applied to the vehicle. Secondly...
October 2012
Genotype X environment interactions and grain yield stability of haricot bean varieties in Northwest Ethiopia
Seven haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties were evaluated in 2000 to 2001 and 2001 to 2002 cropping seasons at three representative locations in northwest Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to evaluate genotype x environment interactions (GEIs) and grain yield stability in multi-environmental trials across wide ecological locations. The trial was laid out in the randomized complete block design...
October 2012
Effects of gas service on the electricity distribution system assets
This paper investigates the effect of gas outage on the assets of electricity distribution systems as well as the effects of load growth. Owing to the fact that electricity and gas distribution systems supply energy demand independently, in this paper, gas and electricity consumption is analyzed and the overload of electricity distribution systems when cutting off gas current is considered. The findings of this research...
October 2012
Soil macro and mesofauna in alley cropping systems from two regions of central Mexico
Alley cropping; Maize intercropped with fruit trees (MIFT), is a system of technified agro forestry cultivation of central Mexico. MIFT is one of the most feasible cultivation systems to show the biodiversity richness of the country; however, the effect this system exercises on the soil organisms has not been measured, whereby the macrofauna, mites and collembolans from the furrows of perennial production (Prunus...
October 2012
An imperialist competitive algorithm mixed model assembly line sequencing problem on just in time system
Mixed-model lines are used to produce several kinds of models in small lots without carrying large inventories. The production sequence for the mixed-model sequencing problem depends on the goals of the production facility. In order to enjoy the useful application of these lines, it is vital to devise a schedule for assembling the different products to be determined. Based on the NP-hardness of the problem, this present...
October 2012
Evaluation of nanosilver efficacy along with transforming growth factor (TGFβ) in induction of chondrogenesis: An animal study
This study is on the multipotential mesenchymal cells which enable us to differentiate chondroblasts in presence of Transforming growth factor (TGFβ) andbone morphogenic factors (BMPs). As use of a transferring system for these growth factors is a notable issue in recent researches, the present study was designed to evaluate the nanosilver transferring system of TGFβ on two sample groups...
October 2012
Relationship between caregivers' burnout and elderly emotional abuse
The aim of the present study is to identify the relationship between caregivers' burnout and elderly emotional abuse. Descriptive correlation research design was utilized in this study to achieve the stated aim. The sample consisted of 40 Saudi female elderly clients aged 60 years and over and 15 caregivers. This study was conducted in geriatric home in El-Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Data were collected by...
October 2012
Evaluation of automated guided vehicle systems in thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) Array manufacturing process
In real bay layout of automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems for thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) Array manufacturing, excessive inter-bay transfers in such systems will degrade performance. Thus, this paper presents two models which capture the elements of the material handling time of both bay and conventional AGV systems. Five...
October 2012
Metabolic syndrome among medical university students in Kashan, Iran
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is defined as a clustering of complicated disorders such as: central obesity, hypertension, increased blood glucose and impaired blood lipids. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among students of Kashan University of Medical Sciences between 19 to 27 years old (n=221). Metabolic syndrome was defined using the updated 2001 National Cholesterol Education...
October 2012
Withdrawal and drainage of thin film flow on a vertical cylinder
The thin film flow of a power law fluid on a vertical cylinder for a lift and a drainage problem is studied. The goverming nonlinear differential equations have been derived from the continuity, momentum and constitutive equations. The resulting equations are then solved using binomial series method. Series solutions have been obtained for velocity, volume flow rate and average velocity in both cases. The graphical...
October 2012
A novel meta-heuristic algorithm for numerical function optimization: Blind, naked mole-rats (BNMR) algorithm
Optimization algorithms inspired by the world of nature have turned into powerful tools for solving the complicated problems. However, they have still some drawbacks need the investigation of new and better optimization algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new meta-heuristic algorithm called blind naked mole-rats (BNMR) algorithm. This algorithm has been developed based on the social behavior of the blind naked...