December 2006
Synthesis of sodium gluconate by bismuth promoted Pd/C catalyst
Bi promoted Pd/C catalyst (Bi-Pd/C) was prepared and evaluated for glucose oxidation. Reaction rate depends on Bi and Pd ratio on activiated carbon. Best promotion effect was got when PdCl2 to Bi(NO)3•5H2O weight ratio was 1 to 3 during catalyst preparation. Compared with other noble metal catalyst, the reaction time was shortened and Bi prevented Pd/C deactiviation during this reaction. The...
December 2006
Medical certification of death and indications for medico-legal autopsies: The need for inclusion in continue medical education in Nigeria
A study of medical doctor’s attitude to filling of the death certificate was carried out by administrating questionnaire to medical doctors at a national conference which was attended by 300 doctors. Out of this, 114 of them responded with 111 being males and 3 females. Results show that 50% of the respondents had practiced for 6 - 15 years and 71% of them never had training in filling of the death...
December 2006
Global chaos synchronization for four-scroll attractor by nonlinear control
This paper investigates the global synchronization method of two identical systems and two different chaotic systems. The proposed method is effective and convenient to synchronize two identical systems and two different chaotic systems by using nonlinear control functions. The method has been applied successfully to make two identical four-scroll attractor and also two different chaotic systems; four-scroll...
December 2006
Removal of dibenzothiophene, biphenyl and phenol from waste by Trichosporon sp.
Utilization of dibenzothiophene and flocculation of this compound from environment by yeast was studied. The yeast was isolated from phenol-contaminated waste and identified as Trichosporon sp. This strain used phenol and dibenzothiophene as the only sources of carbon and sulfur, respectively. However it had better growth when glucose and yeast extract was added to basal medium containing dibenzothiophene....
December 2006
Pore space organization and plant response in peat substrates: I. Prunus x cistena and Spiraea japonica
Aeration properties are key characteristics of growing media. On top of air filled porosity, pore tortuosity (t) and gas diffusivity (Ds/Do) have been suggested to better characterize the aeration process. A two-year nursery study was conducted to investigate how Ds/Do of growing mediawere affected by particle size and how plant growth responded to substrates with the same air...
December 2006
Antioxidant potentials and degrees of polymerization of six wild fruits
Aqueous methanolic extracts of six wild fruits, Ximenia caffra (sour plum), Sclerocarya birrea (marula), Parinari curatellifolia (mobola plum), Vitex payos (chocolate berry),Bridelia molis (velvet sweet-berry) and Berchemia zeyheri (red ivory) were assayed for radical scavenging effect on DPPH radical, reducing power, superoxide anion radical scavenging effect...
December 2006
Pore space organization and plant response in peat substrates: II. Dendrathemum morifolium Ramat
Plant growth response to substrate physical properties may be influenced not only by storage (water and air contents), but also by the exchange properties of the substrate. We studied the effect of variably sized components on substrate storage and exchange properties and related plant growth to these properties. Four substrates were composed of 40% coniferous bark (CB), 50% peat and 10% gravel....
December 2006
Pregnancy outcome following swim up preparation of both fresh and cryopreserved spermatozoa
This study was designed to assess the impact of swim up preparation of both fresh and cryopreserved sperm on the pregnancy outcome in a private fertility centre in Lagos. A cross-sectional prospective analysis of 34 asthenozoospermic semen samples of men whose wives were undergoing assisted reproduction was studied. The basic semen parameters comprising of the volume, count, and motility of the sperm before...
December 2006
Differential antimicrobial activity of the various crude leaves extracts of Sesame radiatum against some common pathogenic micro-organisms
Concern about the rising prevalence of antibiotics resistant strains pathogenic micro-organisms has been expressed in the last three decades. However, intensive studies on extracts and biologically active compounds isolated from medicinal plants have also doubled in the last decade. Ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Sesame radiatum leaves were studied for in-vitroantimicrobial activity using...