African Journal of
Plant Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Plant Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0824
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPS
  • Start Year: 2007

AJPS Articles in press

Evaluation of Soybean Genotypes for Asian Soybean Rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) and Common Bacterial Blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea) at Different Phenological Stages in Southwestern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Asian soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi and bacterial blight caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea diseases are the two most limiting factors in soybean production. The use of resistant or tolerant varieties is one of the most suitable management options to control Asian soybean rust and bacterial blight. This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of soybean genotypes and to see the progress of...

Author(s):Yechalew Sileshi


Article in Press

A study was conducted to determine optimum time of withholding irrigation period of sugarcane at Omo Kuraz Sugar Factory, Southern Ethiopia. The experiment evaluated two sugarcane varieties (NCo334 and B52-298) in combination with withholding irrigation periods (WIPs) of 20, 30, 40 50 and 60 days in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Data were collected on soil moisture content, cane height and...

Author(s):Semu Yetaferu Ashagre

Maize and weed response to fertilizer management on a toposequence

Article in Press

Soil fertility spatial variability exists within and across smallholder farms, yet blanket recommendations are made across heterogeneous farms resulting in poor crop performance. A fertilizer management experiment was conducted on three smallholder farms within 1-km distance, positioned on upper, middle and lower catena, with soil organic carbon (SOC) of 3.9, 6.4 and 8.9 g kg-1, respectively; hereafter referred to as low,...

Author(s):Justin Chipomho, Joyful T. Rugare, Stanford Mabasa, Shamie Zingore, Arnold Bray Mashingaidze, Regis Chikowo


Article in Press

This study evaluated morpho-agronomic characteristics of Conilon coffee plants submitted to different management practices and species of green manures. The experiment was carried out in the field, in a randomized block design with a 4 x 2 + 1 factorial, totaling 9 treatments, namely pigeon pea, pork bean, black mucuna, Mexican daisy and conventional fertilization in two planting management systems. These two systems...

Author(s):Mario Euclides Pechara da Costa Jaeggi, Richardson Sales Rocha, Israel Martins Pereira, Derivaldo Pureza da Cruz, Josimar Nogueira Batista, Rita de Kássia Guarnier da Silva, Fábio Cunha Coelho, Edvaldo de Castro Monteiro, Magno do Carmo Parajara, Augusto Melo Moulin Breda, Geovana Cremonini Entringer, Samuel Colla Pizetta, Jaidson Gonçalves da Rocha, Marco Aurélio Costa Caiado, Rogério Rangel Rodrigues, Wagner Bastos dos Santos Oliveira, Tâmara Rebecca Albuquerque de Oliveira, Geraldo de A

Chemical composition and larvicidal activity of Lippia rotundifolia Cham. essential oil against Aedes aegypti Linn.

Article in Press

Lippia rotundifolia Cham. (Verbenaceae family) is an aromatic species from the Brazilian Cerrado, whose oil has antimicrobial potential. We evaluated the content and chemical characterization of the essential oil of Lippia rotundifolia Cham. collected in Cerrado of the Minas Gerais, Brazil, as well as an evaluation of its larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti Linn. larvae. To achieve this goal, the essential oil was...

Author(s):Messulan Rodrigues Meira; Ernane Ronie Martins; Júlio Cesar Rodrigues Lopes Silva; Rafael Majuste

Host plant resistance of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes to jassids (Empoasca spp.) in Zimbabwe

Article in Press

Jassid (Empoasca spp) is a key cotton pest in Zimbabwe capable of causing significant yield losses. To manage this pest, among other things, cotton genotypes are screened for tolerance to this pest and only resistant genotypes will be released as commercial varieties. The varieties which were released before for commercial production have high hair density. In the current work, five medium staple genotypes namely...

Author(s):Rangarirai Mapurangaa, Francis Jimu, Blessing Chapepa, Handsen Tibugari, Washington Mubvekeri and Dumisani Kutywayo


Article in Press

Cuscuta reflexa (Dodder weed) is an invasive species in Tanzania, affecting a wide range of crops. To date it has invaded the three main onion growing areas resulting in farmers abandoning their arable land and seeking new uninfected land. In this study weed indices were assessed to monitor the response to various weed management strategies. The study was conducted in the Kilosa district (29° 52' S and 98° 66' E) The...

Author(s):Regan M. Nyoni and K.P Sibuga


Article in Press

This study investigated the effect of administration of acute and sub-lethal dose of Azadirachta indica in animal model. Eighteen (18) mature Wistar albino rats were used to investigate lethal dose LD50 and establish safe dose (SD) in 24 hours. Another 18, divided into 6 Groups A – E were used to investigate the biochemical effect of administration of different doses of the extract. Group A served as control and received...



Article in Press

Mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) is belong to fabaceae family that currently is grown in different parts of world and it have large role in nutrition at developing countries. The study was conducted at field of agronomy and plant physiology laboratory in Hawassa University College of Agriculture at Hawassa during the period of mid-March to early June 2018. This experiment was conducted to investigate the efficiency...

Author(s):Molalign Assefa


Article in Press

The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of banana, stalk, and pseudostem residues from two banana cultivars as cultivation substrate for the Amazonian Pleurotus ostreatus NATB. The residues of the two cultivars (silver-dwarf and thap-maeo) were used to cultivate P. ostreatus NATB from the Mushroom Cultivation Laboratory Micoteca, CTI, INPA, Brazil, reactivated in medium Potato Dextrose Agar, and subsequently...

Author(s):Adriana da Silva Nunes, Márcio Laranjeira Anselmo, Gabriellen Yasmine de Oliveira Pedreno, Vanessa Costa Alves Galúcio and Ceci Sales-Campos

Effect of NPS fertilizer rates on yield and yield components of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Varieties at Guder, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) production in Ethiopia is constrained by a number of factors among which the application of sub-optimal fertilizer and high yielder variety selection are the most important in Guder area. Therefore, this experiment was conducted at Ambo University Guder campus, Ethiopia to study the influence of NPS fertilizer on yield and yield components of tomato varieties. The experiment was laid...

Author(s):Ashu Ashe

Adaptation of mungbean (Vignaradiata (L.) Wilczek) varieties North Western of Amhara region, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Mungbean (Vignaradiata (L.) Wilczek) is a significant source of nutrients and source of income for smallholder farmers in East Africa. know a day’s Mungbean production in Ethiopia has promising progress and it is one of exporting pulse crop and it is an alternative pulse crop for crop rotation to buildups soil fertility, in North Western Amhara region, Ethiopia to enhance productivity, efforts have been underway to...

Author(s):Anteneh Adebabay, Abebe Hailu, Tesfaye Jorgi, Mekdes Abebe, Getachew Asmare, Tesfa Kasahun, Semachew Yedemie

Genetic Variability and Associations among Yield and Yield Related Traits in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Genotypes Evaluated at Southwestern Ethiopia

Article in Press

A field experiment was conducted using 36 rice genotypes in 2017 at two locations of Southwestern Ethiopia to estimate the extent and pattern of genetic variation and association among yield and yield related traits. The experiment was laid down in 6 × 6 simple lattice design. The combined analysis of variance over the two locations revealed that the genotypes showed significant differences for all the traits studied,...

Author(s):Awel Beshir, Sentayehu Alamerew, Wosene Gebreselassie

Response of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Bulb Yield to Humic Substances in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia

Article in Press

The effectiveness of foliar application of humic substances (22.5 % total humic and fulvic acid with 7.1 % water-soluble potassium oxide) (HFA) was evaluated in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia on onion (Allium cepa L.) at Melkassa, Dugda, and Merti. Different levels of HFA liquid fertilizer in combination with mineral fertilizers were evaluated for two cropping seasons (2015-2017). The experiment was laid out in...

Author(s):Israel Bekele

Comparative study of the incidence and prevalence rate of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infecting tomato in southwestern Nigeria

Article in Press

The aim of this research work was to decide the event and look at the circulation of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) contaminating tomato plants developed in southwestern Nigeria. 200 and seventy-five tomato leaf tests were gathered from chosen cultivates in 16 significant tomato delivering zones spread over the six conditions of Southwest Nigeria. Side effects saw on the ranches visited...

Author(s):A. B. Kayode, B. O. Odu, K. A. Ako-Nai and A. O. Oluduro

Evaluation of Quality Protein Maize Variety under Integrated Uses of Different Fertilizer Sources in Jimma, South Western Ethiopia

Article in Press

Studies on the combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers for maize are lacking at Jimma conditions. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of integrated uses of organic with inorganic fertilizers sources on productivity of quality protein maize (QPM) variety BHQPY545 at Kersa, Omonada woreda and Jimma on station, Southwestern Ethiopia during 2016 and 2017 main cropping seasons and one...

Author(s):Sisay Gurmu, Muhidin Biya and Eshetu Yadete

Assessment of Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. sesami) Disease Incidence in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in Western Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Fusarium wilt disease is one of the most serious diseases threatening sesame production in Tigray, northern Ethiopia. The aim of the present study was to assess Fusarium wilt disease incidence and its association with agronomic practices and environmental factors. Field surveys were conducted in Kafta-Humera, Welkayt and Tsegedie districts in the 2018 cropping season. A total of 92 farmers’ fields were assessed for the...

Author(s):Assefa Abadi Kebede, Hadush Tsehaye

Participatory Quality Protein Maize Varieties Selection in North Western Tigray, Ethiopia

Article in Press

An Onfarm Participatory Variety Selection (PVS) was carried out at Tselemti district and Medebay zana, Laelay adiabo districts with the objective of identifying adaptable and most farmers’ preferred quality protein maize (QPM) variety for the areas. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design as mother trial farmers used as replications. Twenty farmers were sampled and provided with four different...

Author(s):Hailegebrial K., Redae W., W/gerima G. Mekonen A. Eyasu A. Husien S., Yirgalem T and Alem R

Effects of Different Sources and Rates of Biochar Application on the Yield and Yield Components of Mungbean on the Acidic Soil in Western Ethiopia

Article in Press

Mungbean is one of the most important food legume crops in Ethiopia. The yield of mungbean was reduced due to nutrient depletion and soil acidity. With this in view, effect of different source and rates of biochar application on the yield, and yield component of mungbean were studied. The treatments consists three source of biochar (maize, sesame and soybean source) and five rates of biochar (control, 2, 4, 6, 8, and...

Author(s):Talila Garamu

Modulation in Growth and Development of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Microtubers by Different Concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine

Article in Press

Two potato varieties namely, kufri bahar and kufri surya were tested for in vitro tuberization response to a same culture medium supplemented with three levels of 6-benzly aminopurine (0.75 mg/l, 1.5 mg/l, 2.25 mg/l) in a completely randomized block design. The study was conducted in the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI), Modipuram, Meerut Campus, and India during the period of 2012-13 & 2013-14. The objective was...


Genetic Variability on Grain Yield and Related Agronomic Traits of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Genotypes under Soil Acidity Stress in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia

Article in Press

Soil acidity is the major production limiting factor of faba bean in the highlands of Ethiopia. Hence, this study was conducted to estimate genetic variability of faba bean genotypes on grain yield and related traits under soil acidity stress at Holetta, Watebecha Minjaro and Jeldu in 2017 cropping season. The experiment comprised 50 genotypes arranged in RCBD with three replications. Data were collected on grain yield and...

Author(s):Mesfin Tadele, Wassu Mohammed Mussa Jarso

Evaluation of different fungicide for the control of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres ) disease on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) at West Showa Zone, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Net blotch is one of the most important barley diseases which reduce both quality and quantity of barley grain. Currently, the disease can be controlled using different approaches. The aim of this work is to test the effectiveness of different fungicides. Progress250 EC, Rexdou, Tilt 250 EC, Skyway Xpro EC 275 and Zantara EC 216 against net blotch of barley disease compared to unsprayed control. The experiment was...

Author(s):Nemomsa Beyene and Amsalu Abera

Evaluation of yield and yield components of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties in the rainfed-lowland rice producing areas of Ethiopia

Article in Press

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of rice varieties for grain yield and other agronomic traits in the rainfed lowland rice producing areas of Ethiopia; Assosa, Bako, Pawe and Tepi during the year of 2017 and 2018 cropping season. Six lowland rice varieties were included for evaluation and laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. The combined analysis across years and...

Author(s):Zelalem Zewdu, Abebaw Dessie, Mulugeta Atinaf

EVALUATION of TOMATO (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller) (Solanaceae) VARIETIES for NEMATODE and Ralstonia DISEASES RESISTANCE and PRODUCTIVITY

Article in Press

Tomato is one of the most remunerable and widely grown vegetables in the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate tomato varieties for nematode and Ralstonia diseases resistance and productivity. A complete randomized design experiment with three replications was used at Hawassa University shade house. Four varieties of tomato were inoculated with nematode (Meloidogyne incognita), Ralstonia solanacearum and mixed...

Author(s):Alemu Tsega Alene and Zelalem G/ Mariam

Determination of Critical Weed Competition Period in Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla (L.) Rydb) Production at Wondo Genet, Southern Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study was carried out at Wondo Genet to determine the critical weed competition period for growth, yield and yield components of chamomile plant. The weed competition duration had significant influence on plant height, number of primary branches/plants, fresh stem yield/plant, fresh leaves yield/plant, fresh and dry flower/plant, fresh and dry flower yield/ha, essential oil content (v/w) and yield kg/ha. The highest...

Author(s):Ano Wariyo Negaso, Negasu Guteta Bayisa and Desta Abayechaw

Effect of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) planting densities on bacterial blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. sesami) disease development and seed yield in lowlands of Western Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

Article in Press

The production of sesame (Sesamume indicum L.) is affected by inappropriate agronomic practices, weather uncertainties and diseases outbreaks. Bacterial blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. sesami) disease is a major constraint across the sesame growing areas of Western Tigray. A field experiment was conducted on farmer’s field at Dansha (Kebabo) to determine the effect of four planting densities on bacterial blight...

Author(s):Weres Negash Golla, Kiros Meles Ayimut and Daniel Gebrekidan Abay

Occurrence and Extent of Fusarium Head Blight on Wheat in Southwestern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Fusarium head blight (FHB) occurrence and extent were thoroughly examined on 52 wheat fields from 5 districts within 3 zones of Oromia. The results showed that FHB was 93.9% prevalent with significantly varied levels of incidences (among zones) and severity (among districts and zones). The highest incidence of 38.7 and 26.0% were recorded in Buno-Bedele and Jimma zones. Correspondingly, the highest field-severity and...

Author(s):Minyahil Kebede, Girma Adugna and Bekele Hundie

Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes for Yield and Yield Related Traits at Bako and Uke, Western Oromia

Article in Press

Growing of inferior genotypes with low yield and poor quality has been one of the major problems of sesame production in Ethiopia. Field experiment was conducted to assess the extent of genetic variation in sesame genotypes. A total of forty nine sesame genotypes were evaluated using simple lattice design at Bako and Uke during 2018 cropping season. The combined analysis of variance showed high significant differences at...

Author(s):Feyera Takele, Dagnachew Lule and Sentayehu Alemerew

Yield stability study of Andean red common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes in Southern and Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia

Article in Press

The presence of significant genotype x environment interaction (GEI) has effect on the stability of genotypes across environments. Sixteen Andean red common bean genotypes were evaluated at six sites using triple lattice design in 2017 cropping season. The objective of the study was to evaluate seed yield stability of the genotypes using Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) and Genotype plus Genotype...

Author(s):Demelash Bassa, Hussein Mohammed, Fekadu Gurmu and Berhanu Amsalu

Evaluation of Lowland Released Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties under Irrigation in Raya Valley Southern Tigray, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important and strategic staple food crops, globally. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify and evaluate adaptable, high- yielding, improved wheat varieties for lowland Tigray Region North Ethiopia. A total of 7 released wheat varieties, including local variety, were tested in a Randomized Complete Block Design at Mehoni Agricultural Research Center during 2016 to...

Author(s):Girma Degife, Esuyawkal Demis, Zinabu Abraha

Effect of deficit irrigation levels and furrow irrigation techniques on yield and water productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) in Raya Azebo district, northern Ethiopia

Article in Press

A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of deficit irrigation and furrow irrigation techniques on maize grain yield and water productivity at Mehoni Agricultural Research Center, Raya Azebo district. The experimental design was split-plot in RCBD arrangement. Three furrow irrigation techniques, Viz., alternate, fixed and conventional furrow irrigation as a main plot and two deficit irrigation levels,75%...

Author(s):Hagos Mehari, Bobe Bedadi and Fantaw Abegaz

Correlation and Path Analysis for some Agronomic characters in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Genotypes

Article in Press

Field pea is an important pulse crop in Ethiopia. However, the national productivity of field pea is low and thus knowledge on the nature and magnitude of character association and identification of important character is a prerequisite for the development of high yielding field pea genotypes. Hence a total of 49 field pea genotypes were grown in 7x 7 simple lattice design at two environments during 2018/19 main cropping...

Author(s):Kedir Yimam, Deresa Tesfaye and Gebeyehu Achenf

Root Yield and Economic Profitability of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) as Influenced by Varietal Differences and Phosphorus Rates

Article in Press

Sweet potato is among the most important tuberous root crops produced in Ethiopia. However, the yield is far below its potential due to poor agronomic management practices among which poor soil fertility and lack of improved varieties are the major one. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the influences of different rates of phosphorus (P) on belowground yield of sweet potato varieties in Boloso Sore, Southern...

Author(s):Mesfin Dawit and Abera Habte

Utilization and Management Practices of Highland Bamboo (Yushinia alpine) in Sheybench District, Southwestern Ethiopia

Article in Press

Bamboo is a multipurpose NTFP for day-to-day life of community and provides a cost-effective return in the short term. Even though Ethiopia is well endowed with bamboo resources, the existing utilization pattern, management practices and status of bamboo resource was not well explored. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess existing utilization, management and status of bamboo resources in Sheybench District. This...

Author(s):Fayera Bakala, Tirusew Teshale and Tewodros Girma

Frequency and spectrum of morphological mutants induced by gamma rays and EMS in M2 generation of chickpea

Article in Press

The present study was undertaken in order to find out the frequency and spectrum of morphological mutants induced by gamma rays and EMS in chickpea. The Co-4 variety of chickpea was treated with different doses/concentration of gamma rays and EMS to create genetic variability. The M2 progenies of these treatments were raised from M1 seeds. Various morphological mutations were carefully screened from M2 generation. The...

Author(s):Umavathi. S and L. Mullainathan

Evaluation of NPS Fertilizer on Yield and Economic Performance of New Variety of Hot Pepper (Capsicuaim annum) in Tanqua Abergelle, Central Tigray, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) is one of the major economically important horticultural crops in Tanqua-Abergelle district. However, its productivity is low mainly due to soil nutrient deficiency and the use of unappropriated rate of fertilizer Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and Sulphur (S) are the most deficient elements in the area. The experiments were designed to study the effect of NPS levels accompanied with one level...

Author(s):Hintsa Meresa, Fantay Belay, Atsbaha Gebreslase and Kassa Melese

Univariate stability analysis and relationship among parameters for grain yield and related agronomic traits of striga resistant sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] hybrids in Ethiopia

Article in Press

The procedures in the selection of good performing and stable genotypes are complicated by the phenomenon of genotype by environment interaction to recommend new sorghum genotypes for different environments. Therefore, 49 genotypes (hybrids + varieties) were tested at five locations in a simple lattice design with two replications during the 2016 main cropping season to estimate the magnitude and nature of GEI for yield...

Author(s):Fantaye Belay, Firew Mekbib and Taye Tadesse

Correlation and Path Coefficient Analyses of Grain Yield and Yield Components of Food Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genotypes in East Shewa, Oromia

Article in Press

Evaluation of genotypes for association traits contributing to grain yield and generation of genetic information on complex traits were the key steps in plant breeding to develop varieties for the targeted area of production. Hence, this research was conducted at Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center in Mid Rift Valley of Ethiopia where twenty-five food barley genotypes were tested in 5 x 5 lattice design with three...

Author(s):Temesgen Dinsa, Firew Mekbib, Tesfaye Letta

Assessment of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Chocolate Spot (Botrytis fabae Sard.) in West Shoa, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The growing significance of faba bean as an export crop in Ethiopia has directed to a transformed interest by farmers to increase the area under production; however, its production is mainly inhibited by chocolate spot disease driven by the fungus Botrytis fabae. Disease survey was conducted in five districts (Ambo, Toke-kutaye, Dandi, Chelia and Diree-inchini) of West Shoa zone to assess the disease intensity of chocolate...

Author(s):Alemayehu Wendimu, Woubit Dawit, Netsanet Bacha

Nutrient composition and cultivation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) using elephant grass leaf (Pennisetum purpureum ) supplemented with cotton seed waste

Article in Press

ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to report the usability of P. purpureum leaf a major substrate for cultivation of oyster (P.ostreatus) mushroom with supplement of different proportion of cotton seed waste. The pure culture of the oyster mushroom was maintained on potato dextrose agar, and the spawn was prepared on yellow colored sorghum and sterilized substrate was inoculated with 10% of the spawn wet basis on...


Genetic Variablity and Association of Traits in Ethiopian Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genotypes at Holetta, Central Ethiopia

Article in Press

Ethiopia is the secondary centre of diversity of barley, and has large number accessions preserved in its gene bank. To determine the genetic variability and to assess the associations among morpho-agronomic characters, three hundred twenty Ethiopian barley genotypes were evaluated in 2017 main-season at Holeta Agricultural Research Centre using 20 x16 Alpha Lattice design. The analysis of variance showed that there were...

Author(s):Tigist Shiferaw, Berhanu Abate, Berhane Lakew

Biochemical Composition Based Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw) cheesman) Diversity Study Using Multivariate Analysis in Sheka Zone, Southwest Ethiopia

Article in Press

The study on enset (E.ventricosum) diversity, based on its kocho and bulla proximate contents was done in major enset producing areas of Sheka zone in three agro-ecologies of the districts (Yaki (lowland), Andiracha (mid-land) and Masha (highland) Southwest Ethiopia. The result of the analysis revealed that there were variations among all concerned clones. Highest dry matters were recorded in bulla of all clones though...

Author(s):Neim Semman, Weyessa Garedew and Tewodros Mulualem

Phytochemical investigation on the roots of Withania somnifera

Article in Press

Withania somnifera Family Solanaccae has found various uses in ayurvedic and traditional system of medicine for treatment of various health effects such as nervous and sexual disorders, tumor, malaria, tuberculosis, stomaace and arthritis in many parts of the world including Ethiopia.The present study was carried out to investigate the phytochemical and structural elucidation of compounds from methanol extract of Withinia...

Author(s):Zinabwa Hailu Tadele, Eyasu Gebrie Ajebe and and Temesgen Nurlign

Investigations on the Performance of Potential Botanicals against Cashew Powdery Mildew Disease in Tanzania

Article in Press

Studies on five potential botanicals locally known as Kimbinga, Mnyaa, Mwarobaini, Lipangati, Kibamba against cashew powdery mildew disease caused by the fungus Oidium anacardii were conducted in the field and in vitro during the 2012/2013 cashew season. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of botanicals against cashew powdery mildew disease in Tanzania. Field studies were carried out on six cashew...

Author(s):Dominic Menge and Shamte H. Shomari

Response of maize (Zea mays L.) varieties to various NPS fertilizer levels in West Shoa, Ethiopia

Article in Press

The experiment was carried out in Toke Kutaye, Ethiopia to enhance maize yield. Three hybrid varieties of maize and five NPS nutrients levels 1 were laid out in a randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement with three replications. Analysis of variance showed that the main effect of varieties and NPS levels had significant effect on days to tasseling (80%), silking (80%, physiological maturity (80%), grains...

Author(s):Reta Ajema Soboka, Thomas Abraham, Endale Bekele and Gudeta Nepir

Survey and Identification of Rice Diseases in South Gondar Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Disease surveys were conducted in rice grown districts of Libokemkem, Dera and Fogera in south Gondar zone in 2016 and 2017 cropping seasons. The study was designed to identify and record rice disease flora, their distribution in the districts, prioritize according to the importance and document for future use. Forty-six and 48 rice fields were assessed from nine Peasant Association (PA) in 2016 and 2017 cropping seasons,...

Author(s):Tekalign Zeleke Muluadam Birhan, Wubneh Ambachew

Multivariate Analysis among Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) Genotypes in Mid Rift Valley of Oromia, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Multivariate analysis techniques are suitable in identification plant traits separately and it helps breeders to genetic improvement of traits in bread wheat genotypes. This research was conducted at Adami Tulu, mid rift valley of Oromia, Ethiopia, with the objectives of studying the extent of clustering of bread wheat genotypes and identifying the important traits in distinguishing the genotypes. A total of 36 bread wheat...

Author(s):Urgaya Balcha, Firew Mekbib and Dagnachew Lule


Article in Press

Proximate analysis of Ipomea batatass L. grown in two different locations in Imo State were investigated. Standard soil analytical method was used to determine the physiochemical contents of the two soil sample collected from Mgbidi and Orji Ipomea batatass L. farm land. The soil sand from Ipomea batatass L. root in Orji farm recorded highest percentage value of 75.00% compared to the soil sand Ipomea batatass L. root in...

Author(s):Umeoka, N., Ogbonnaya, C. I. and Ohazurike, N. C.

Study of traditionally used ethnomedicinal plants in different parts of Anantnag District, Kashmir Himalaya.

Article in Press

Anantnag District is one of the districts of Kashmir with many remote areas where present day medicare facilities are lacking, and people generally depend on indigenous traditional plant based medicare system. The district has not been explored for its medicinal plants yet. The aim of this study was to document the medicinal plants used in the area to treat different human ailments. Personal observations of the utilization...

Author(s):Sabzar A Malik and Gowher A Wani

Evaluation of Improved Tomato Varieties (Lycopersicom esculentum Mill) Performance for Yield and Yield Components under irrigated Condition

Article in Press

Water is a scarce resource. Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is grown in wet season and in dry season. For its dry season cultivation, alternative water sources are used for watering, but these sources are not sustainable in Burkina Faso. The aim of this study was to determine water deficit effect on okra’s behavior. Five genotypes of okra were subjected to three water regimes (i) T1: watering at 100% of soil field capacity...

Author(s):Gezahegn Fikre

Page 2 of 3, showing 50 records out of 129 total, starting on record 51, ending on 100