Why do patients prefer Khyber College of Dentistry for dental treatment? A hospital based study
September 2011
The objective of this study was to investigate and analyze the most common reasons for patients visiting Khyber College of Dentistry, Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, for dental treatment rather than visiting other dental care centers and private clinics. About 300 patients who visited Khyber College of Dentistry during the period from 20th October 2010 to 5th November 2010, irrespective of gender, were...
In-office dental bleaching efficacy assessment in function of the light exposure regime by digital colorimetric reflectance spectroscopy
August 2011
In-office dental bleaching has been subject of several studies. Generally those studies quantify through visual analysis, the shade reduction of the teeth submitted to different bleaching protocols (light sources, bleaching agent concentrations and irradiation time). The objective of this work is the determination of the influence of four irradiation protocols on the obtainment of better aesthetic results using a...
Biopsy: Clinical implications
August 2011
Biopsy is an important surgical procedure done for the accurate diagnosis of many mucosal lesions. Thus, it is essential for every dentist to know its implications. This article explains the indications, contraindications and several points to be followed during biopsy procedure and the transportation of the specimen to the histopathological laboratory. Knowing these points would help to avoid the unnecessary delay,...
Oral manifestations in progressive systemic sclerosis: Case report
July 2011
Progressive systemic sclerosis is a chronic sclerotic disease which causes diffuse, increased deposition of extra cellular matrix in connective tissue with vascular abnormalities, resulting in tissue hypoxia. Aesthetic and facial dysfunctions are followed by important oral and facial manifestations. Most oral manifestations begin with tongue rigidity and facial skin changes. Bone resorption of mandibular angle and...
Tangible incentive for promotion of oral hygiene in elementary pupils
July 2011
The aim of this study was to assess the influence of tangible incentive on oral hygiene task in fifth grade elementary pupils. 33 school students were included in this study and were divided into two groups. The Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S) was measured in both groups at T0 (baseline), TI (initial), TS (second) and TT (third) stages. Those in the first group (Case group) were awarded, if...
Beningn pleomorphic adenoma of minor salivary gland of palate
June 2011
Pleomorphic adenoma can be defined as a benign mixed tumor composed of epithelial and myoepithelial cells arranged with various morphological patterns, demarcated from surrounding tissues by fibrous capsule. It is one of the salivary gland tumors affecting both major and minor salivary glands. Parotid gland is the most commonly affected of the major group, and palate is the most common site intraorally. We report a case...
Analysis of predictors of root resorption in the orthodontic treatment (Part II)
June 2011
This study aims to analyze the predictors of root resorption in orthodontic treatment. From 407 records, 377 pretreatment and posttreatment periapical radiographs of permanent maxillary central incisors of 199 patients treated with fixed appliances were divided according to the apical morphologies: pipette-shaped, dilacerated, pointed, rounded and rectangular; crown/root ratio; and presence or absence of partial...
Uncommon causes of gingivitis
May 2011
Dental plaque causes chronic gingivitis, but aggravating factors could be related to mouthbreathing and ankyloglossia. An adult female with a complaint of “bleeding gums” and an adult male with a complaint of “painful gums” were seen at a periodontal clinic. Authors found markedly enlarged tonsils compromising the airway with associated gingivitis in the female patient and ankyloglossia with...
Oral cleft research: Intraobserver agreement in the use of questionnaires
May 2011
In epidemiological studies, when the data is collected by interview, it is of importance to analyse the reliability of the information. This study was carried out with the purpose of examining the self-agreement of mothers in answering questions about variables of interest in oral cleft researches on two different occasions. A sample of 91 mothers of oral cleft babies were interviewed on two different occasions. The...
Medial and lateral canthal distances in unrepaired cleft lip and palate Nigerians
April 2011
Medial canthal distance (MCD) (inner canthal distance) refers to the distance between the two medial canthal of the eyes, while lateral canthal distance (LCD) (outer canthal distance) is the distance between the two laterals canthal of the eye. Accurate measurements of these distances are necessary for the diagnosis of true ocular hypertelorism and a guide in both reconstructive surgery and orthodontic treatment. The...
Using electric current during dentin bonding agent application and its effect on microleakage under simulated pulpal pressure conditions
April 2011
The use of electric current during application of etch-and-rinse adhesive systems has been recently introduced to decrease microleakage. This study investigated the effects of an electric field produced by an experimental device for the application of a two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive on moist dentin surface. Sixty freshly extracted human premolars were used for this study. In order to simulate real conditions, the...
Intelligence quotient of 7 to 9 year-old children from an area with high fluoride in drinking water
April 2011
This paper reports the effect of chronic high fluoride exposure on children`s intelligence quotient (IQ). In this cross sectional study, two urban communities with similar socio-economic and cultural status but with different levels of fluoride in drinking water, in Kerman province of Iran were studied: Koohbanan City (fluoride 2.38 mg/L), Baft City (fluoride 0.41 mg/L). Study samples consisted of 119 children 6 to 9...
Clinico-pathological profile of lung cancer in a tertiary medical centre in India: Analysis of 266 cases
March 2011
Lung cancer stands one of the most common malignancies causing very high morbidity and mortality. An increase in the incidence of lung cancer has been observed in India. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinico-pathological profile of lung cancer attended in a tertiary referral centre in India. A retrospective analysis was done over those patients who were histopathologically proved cases of primary lung...
Chemomechanical caries removal (CMCR) agents: Review and clinical application in primary teeth
March 2011
Chemomechanical caries removal (CMCR) is a non-invasive technique eliminating infected dentine via a chemical agent. This is a method of caries removal based on dissolution. Instead of drilling, this method uses a chemical agent assisted by an atraumatic mechanical force to remove soft carious structure. It was introduced to dentistry as an alternative method of caries removal and is mainly indicated to overcome the...
Analysis of predictors of root resorption in orthodontic treatment
March 2011
To study predictors of root resorption in orthodontic treatment from 407 records, 377 pre- and post- treatment periapical radiographs of permanent maxillary central incisors of 199 patients treated with fixed appliances were divided according to overjet, overbite, age, gender and endodontic treatment. Changes in root length between the onset and completion of orthodontic treatment were measured in digitized images and...
The effect of different bleaching methods on the surface roughness and hardness of resin composites
February 2011
This study evaluated the effects of 4 different bleaching agents with 2 different bleaching methods (2 in-office bleaching systems: 38%HP Opalescence Xtra Boost and 35% HP Beyond Maxx; 2 home bleaching systems: Opalescence PF 35% CP and Beyond 6% HP) on the micro hardness and surface roughness of 4 different resin composites (Aelite-hybrid, Grandio-nanohybrid, Clearfil Majesty-nano superfilled, Siloran-silorane based)....
Oral status of a group of cerebral palsy children
February 2011
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the oral health status (dental caries and dental bacterial plaque), malocclusion, brushing frequency and drooling, in accordance with the type of cerebral palsy in a group of children with cerebral palsy. A total of 25 children with cerebral palsy between the age range of 6.17 to 10.5 years were examined. 25 controls were chosen, that were age and gender matched. The...
In vitro remineralization of human and bovine white-spot enamel lesions by NaF dentifrices: A pilot study
February 2011
The aim of this feasibility study was to evaluate the in vitro remineralization effects of four dentifrice systems using microhardness and fluoride uptake analyses. In vitrotesting for the potential remineralization of the white-spot lesions in bovine and human enamel was performed using a 10-day pH cycling model. The study involved the following NaF silica-based dentifrices: 1) placebo (0 ppm F), 2) 500...
A novel presentation of a molariform supplemental tooth with dens evaginatus concrescent with a maxillary premolar
January 2011
Concrescence can occur between two adjacent normal teeth or it can also happen between a normal and a supernumerary tooth. Dens evaginatus are uncommon and usually arise from the occlusal surfaces of mandibular premolars or the palatal surfaces of the maxillary incisors. Evaginatus odontomes have rarely been seen associated with supernumerary teeth. We describe a very rare combination of supplemental tooth with...
Oral pyogenic granuloma with mandible involvement: An unusual presentation
January 2011
Pyogenic granulomas are relatively common benign mucocutaneous lesions. These are typically solitary and vascular. They may be found in the oral cavity or extraorally. Extraorally common sites are the skin of face and neck, upper and lower extremities and mucous membrane of nose and eyelids. Lesions occurring in the oral cavity are most commonly found in the anterior segment over the gingiva followed by lips, tongue and...
Therapeutic effect of topical applications of trichloroacetic acid and hydrogen peroxide for aphthous ulcers minor
October 2010
The author attempted to evaluate the therapeutic effect of local application of Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and normal saline for aphthous ulcers minor (AUM). Fifty four patients with AUM were enrolled in this study between January, 2002 and December, 2004. They were divided blindly into 3 equal groups , 18 patients managed with local application of 30% TCA ,18 treated by local 6%...
In vitro study of staining agents effects on optical properties of esthetic restorative materials
October 2010
The authors have studied the effect of four staining agents on the optical properties of esthetic restorative materials through translucency tests. Two commercial brands of composite resins were used: Point 4 (Kerr) and Charisma (Heraeus-Kulzer). The liquids tested were: wine, cola, chlorhexidine solution and nicotine solution. The translucency was measured at different periods of time: P0 – before immersion...
Periodontal health status and prevalence of root caries in Brazilian adults of Aracaju city
September 2010
The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and severity of periodontal disease and root caries in a Brazilian population, in the city of Aracaju, state of Sergipe. Two hundred subjects, age ranging from 20 - 60 years old, were recruited. The following full-mouth clinical parameters were evaluated: number of missing teeth, number of exposure root surfaces (gingival recession) and root caries, bleeding score,...
Effect of birth rank on the caries experience of children from a suburban population in Nigeria
September 2010
The study aims to explore the possible impact of biological factors such as birth rank, age and sex on the severity of caries experienced by a population of Nigerian children with caries. Specifically, it explores the impact of a child’s birth rank on the severity of caries and the effect of other biological variables such as the age and sex on this risk. Information were collected from the 497...
Types of removable prostheses requested by patients who were presented to the University of Benin Teaching Hospital Dental Clinic
August 2010
To determine the most frequent type of removable prostheses requested by patients who presented to the University of Benin Teaching Hospital outpatient clinic a descriptive retrospective study was carried out for all patients attending the Prosthodontic out patient clinic, who requested for removable prostheses from January 2004 - October 2008. The source of data was the clinic’s log book and patients’ case...
Flare-up incidence and related factors in adults
August 2010
The study determined the incidence of flare-up and the effect of visit type, treatment duration, pre-operative pain, etc. on flare-up in adults. One hundred and seventy five participants, aged 18 to 60 years with a necrotic central incisor, with or without pre operative pain, participated in the study. They received post operative paracetamol tablets and were asked to report back if unbearable pain/swelling developed. A...
Remineralization potential of 5,000 ppm fluoride dentifrices evaluated in a pH cycling model
June 2010
Prescription 1.1% sodium fluoride (NaF) dentifrices designed to either have fast dispersion for improved enamel fluoride uptake (that is, PreviDent® Booster 5000) or contain an innovative tricalcium phosphate system for enhanced remineralization (that is, Clinpro® 5000) were evaluated for anticaries potential in an in vitro pH cycling model. Polished bovine enamel specimens were initially...
Effects of different concentrations of bleaching agent on the micro hardness and shear bond strength of restorative materials – An in vitro study
June 2010
With the growing awareness of esthetics, the use of bleaching agents are on the increase. Bleaching agents intended to be used at home affects the existing restorations. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of bleaching with carbamide peroxide agents at concentrations 10 and 22% on the microhardness and shear bond strength of composites and compomers. For microhardness and shear bond strength...
Reproduction of custom made eye prosthesis maneuver: A case report
December 2009
Ocular prosthesis is an artificial replacement of the eye. After enucleation, evisceration and exenteration of the eye, the goal is to replace the missing tissues with an artificial prosthesis and restore the facial symmetry and normal appearance of the anophthalmic patient. Therefore the combined efforts of the ophthalmologist, the plastic surgeon, and the maxillofacial Prosthodontist are essential in order to restore...
Dental caries occurrence and associated oral hygiene practices among rural and urban Nigerian pre-school children
December 2009
The objective of this research is to assess the prevalence of dental caries in Nigerian preschool children and establish the proportion of treated lesions and to also investigate the association between oral hygiene habits and dental caries prevalence in the study population. Dental examinations were performed on 404 children aged between 18 months and 5 years and an interview were conducted for the mothers to...
Sex and the agricultural transition: Dental health of early farming females
October 2009
This research considers the long-term relationship between women’s oral health and the transition to agriculture by examining dental caries and tooth loss in a prehistoric skeletal sample. Archaeological research indicates that women in many early agricultural communities experienced more severe dental pathology than male counterparts. Dentition was examined in an Early Agricultural skeletal sample from the La...
In vitro evaluation of eroded enamel treated with fluoride and a prospective tricalcium phosphate agent
October 2009
The anti-erosion effects of 225 ppm fluoride plus an innovative form of tricalcium phosphate (TCP-Si-Ur) relative to 225 ppm fluoride were investigated using a pH cycling model comprising treatment, saliva and acid challenge periods. Polished bovine enamel specimens were initially softened in 1% citric acid (pH = 3.8) and stratified (N = 10) into the following groups according to their Vickers microhardness: water, 225...
Fluoride intake and urinary fluoride excretion in children attending a daycare center in Maracay, Aragua state, Venezuela
September 2009
The objectives of this study were to determine fluoride intake and urinary fluoride excretion levels in children exposed to fluoride from diet and dentifrice. Data were obtained from 31 children from a day care located in Maracay, Aragua State, Venezuela. Fluoride intake from diet was determined by using the “duplicate plate technique”, and estimation of the ingested from dentifrice was made by the...
General principles for achieving adequate bond to all-ceramic restorations
September 2009
Achieving strong and reliable bond to all-ceramic restorations is a pre-requisite for long term clinical success. With the great diversity of the available materials, there is a need for establishing general concepts for bonding all-ceramic restorations. The aim of this study was to evaluate bond strength to two ceramic substrates using different resin cements in combination with different surface treatments. Zirconia...
Effect of different light curing systems on the shear bond strength of resin-modified glass ionomer cement and polyacid-modified composite resin
August 2009
The aim of this study was to determine in vitro shear bond strength of resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) and polyacid-modified composite resin (PMCR) polymerized with conventional halogen light curing unit (LCU) or light emitting diode (LED). Twenty-four mandibular molar teeth were used. Enamel was removed from buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth to expose superficial dentin. Teeth were embedded...
Oral health knowledge, practice, oral hygiene status and dental caries prevalence among visually impaired students in residential institute of Aligarh
August 2009
The study was conducted to detect the preventive and treatment modalities among visually impaired students living in a residential school of Aligarh. A total of 80 visually impaired students were involved in the study in which 55 subjects were males and 25 females. They belonged to the age group of 10 – 35 years. Maximum number of males and females belonged to 16 – 25 years of age. Most of the subjects were...
Corrosion behaviour of metals in artificial saliva in presence of spirulina powder
July 2009
Corrosion resistance of three metals namely, SS 316L, mild steel (MS) and mild steel coated with zinc (MS-Zn) has been evaluated in artificial saliva in the absence and presence of spirulina. Potentiodynamic polarization study and AC impedance spectra have been used to investigate the corrosion behaviour of these metals. The order of corrosion resistance of metals in artificial saliva, in the absence and also in...
Identification of oral strains of Lactobacillus species isolated from Mexican and French children
July 2009
The aim of the current study was to identify oral strains of Lactobacillusrhamnosus and L. acidophilus by PCR species-specific and other Lactobacilli by a biochemical test (API 50CH) from Mexican and French children with and without dental decay and to compare them using a RAPD-PCR analysis. Saliva samples were collected from Mexican and French children who were 6 to 12 years old. Children were...
Page 3 of 3, showing 38 records out of 138 total, starting on record 101, ending on 138