Journal of
Dentistry and Oral Hygiene

  • Abbreviation: J. Dent. Oral Hyg.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2472
  • DOI: 10.5897/JDOH
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 138

JDOH Articles

Midline deviation treatment mechanics: A systematic review

December 2024

Midline deviation is a prevalent orthodontic issue that affects both function and aesthetics, often resulting from factors such as premature loss of primary teeth and insufficient arch length. Various treatment strategies, including midline elastics, unilateral extractions, and dental expansion, are employed to correct these deviations. However, the effectiveness of these approaches can vary significantly, leading to...

Author(s): Galvan Shirchie Iris  

Evaluating the erosive effect of sour candy on human tooth enamel

August 2020

The radical increase in consumption of acidic (sour) candies amongst children and teenagers is considered a significant public health concern. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the erosive potential of sour candy in comparison with their regular counterparts at different exposure times. Sixteen prepared tooth samples were randomly assigned into four groups, namely: sour candy (n=8), regular candy (n=8); each of...

Author(s): Lesley Sebastian Naidoo, Stanley Chibuzor Onwubu, Nelisha Murugan, Karin Pruessner and Shenuka Singh  

Current aptitude on management of medically compromised patients: A questionnaire based survey of medical, dental and nursing students

June 2020

Advances in medical technology, greater access to medical facilities and better socio-economic conditions had increased the life expectancy. The proportionate increase of the elderly in the population caused a gradual escalation of the number of medically compromised patients. Knowledge, awareness and practices of health personnel hold paramount importance in the proper management of these patients to prevent...

Author(s): Aravinda Konidena, Komalpreet Kaur, Gagan Puri and Rajesh Gupta  

Traumatic dental injuries among a selected population of adolescents in Southern Nigeria

April 2020

This work aims to determine the causes, scene and types of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) among adolescents, and to compare the findings in males with those in females. Information was elicited from a selected population of junior secondary school students by means of a close-ended, structured, self-administered questionnaire. Information elicited included age, gender, previous experience of trauma to the oral...

Author(s): Joycelyn O. Eigbobo and Efetobo V. Orikpete  

A retrospective analysis of a large case series investigating a novel non-incisional periodontal therapy

January 2020

Chronic periodontitis is a prevalent condition, affecting nearly half of the adult US population aged 30 years or older. When left untreated, the condition can lead to debilitating tooth loss. While there are well established therapies for all degrees of disease, many are expensive and out of reach to those who lack access to care for medical, socio-economic, or geographic reasons. Scaling and root planing (SC/RP) is...

Author(s): Dennis Szymaitis, Josephine Yvorra, John Gunsolley and John Spitznagel Jr.  

Miswak: The underutilized device and future challenges

October 2019

There have been many studies on the practice of maintaining dental health. Although most people currently use a toothbrush to maintain the cleanliness of mouth, specific populations still used miswak as an alternative tool for oral health care. This study was designed to answer the future challenges of use of miswak as a tool to maintain oral health according to modern sciences. The history, features, function,...

Author(s): Winarni Yasmin, Haslinda Ramli and Aspalilah Alias  

Interdisciplinary treatment approaches for cleft lip and palate patients to obtain esthetic and functional results

May 2019

The aim of this study is to present the importance of interdisciplinary treatment approaches for the patients with clefts. In this study, the treatment of four patients with cleft lip and palate were presented. After the completion of fixed orthodontic treatment, proper overjet and overbite relationships were achieved and to obtain the esthetic and functional results, two of the patients had prosthodontic treatment (one...

Author(s): Dogan E., Dogan E. I. and Dogan S.  

The importance of pH, salivary flow and different dental caries risk factors in pregnant women

December 2018

During pregnancy, there are certain changes in a woman´s body that can affect or alter oral health. Likewise, in this period some changes in factors such as pH and salivary flow can contribute to an increased risk of caries in pregnant women; therefore, this research was conducted on 85 women from the city of Montemorelos who attended Montemorelos General Hospital, of whom 53 were pregnant and 32 were not, using...

Author(s): Joel A Méndez-Monge, Zurisadai Neri-Aranda, Alejandra Luna-Ayala, Hector Manuel Hernandez Navarro, Jany Ariadne Jimenez-Del Valle, Alma Nidia Calderon-Porras, Luis Ricardo Sosa-Martinez, and Myriam Angelica De La Garza-Ramos  

In vitro antimicrobial activity of CatDex against Porphyromonas endodontalis

August 2018

An achievable goal in root canal therapy is to reduce the bacterial population to the lowest level. Irrigation and instrumentation play an important role in achieving this objective. Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) is the most frequently used irrigation solution; however, its main disadvantage that it is cytoxic to soft tissues following inadvertent extrusion. CatDex is a substance that promises to match the antimicrobial...

Author(s): María Fernanda Mayela Carrillo-Sosa, Idalia Rodríguez-Delgado, Jorge Jaime Flores-Treviño, Myriam Angelica De La Garza-Ramos, Elizabeth Madla-Cruz, Erandi Escamilla-García and Eloy Cardenas-Estrada  

Comparative evaluation of short and long term in vitro antibacterial activity of white and gray mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium enriched mixture cement"

August 2018

The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the short and long term antibacterial effects of white and gray mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium enriched mixture (CEM) on Streptococcus Sanguinis and Enterococcus faecalis which are commonly associated with endodontic infections. The test materials, including white MTA (WMTA), gray (GMTA), and CEM were manipulated strictly in accordance with the...

Author(s): Negar Badiei , Mohammad Khalili , Lida Pishbin, and Hassan Shahabinejad,    

Assessment of the soft tissue chins thickness with different skeletal vertical patterns in Pakistani adults

June 2018

The aim of the study is to evaluate and compare the soft tissue chin thickness values among adult patients with different vertical growth patterns. A sample size of 180 adults patients (32 males and 148 females), with an average age of 21.42 years (range 17- 32 years), was selected. The sample was divided into three groups according to the vertical growth pattern using SNMP angle (hypodivergent <27°,...

Author(s): Anam Sattar, Imtiaz Ahmed and Taskeen Khan

Oral hygiene practice of adult diabetic patients and their awareness about oral health problems related to diabetes

March 2017

Diabetes mellitus is a major public health problem in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Several studies have shown that diabetic patients are at a greater risk of developing oral health problems than non-diabetics. This study aims to evaluate the oral hygiene practices of adult diabetic patients and their awareness of oral health problems related to the disease. In this cross-sectional, Internet-based descriptive study, a...

Author(s): Basil Yousef Al Amassi and Rakan S. Al Dakheel

Prevalence of obesity among preschool children and its relation with dental caries

January 2017

There is increasing interest in investigating the association between dental caries and childhood obesity, particularly among preschoolers where the evidence is limited. We aimed to measure the prevalence of obesity/overweight among preschool children aged 3 to 6 years, and to determine the relationship between obesity and dental caries in the primary dentition. A cross-sectional study was carried out in eight public...

Author(s): Heba Elkhodary, Deema Farsi, Leena Merdad, Najat Farsi, Sumer Alaki, Najlaa Alamoudi, Dania Bahdaila and Hammam Bahammam

Satisfaction survey among patients and staff of the Municipal Center of Oral Health in Ouagadougou

October 2016

The high prevalence of oral diseases in Burkina Faso, and the difficulty in accessing adequate care, have made the Ouagadougou municipality to create the Municipal Center of Oral Health (MCOH). This study was undertaken to assess the level of satisfaction of patients and staff at the MCOH. It aimed also at establishing the reasons for consultation and the treatments recommended to patients who attend the MCOH. The study...

Author(s): Wendpoulomdé A. D. Kaboré, Youssouf Ouédraogo, Seydina O Niang, Anta Seck, Abdoulaziz Diarra, Carole D. W. Ouédraogo, Raoul Bationo and Dieudonné Ouédraogo

Prophylactic treatment dens invaginatus (type 1): An uncommon presentation

October 2016

Dens invaginatus is a developmental malformation resulting from the invagination of the enamel organ into the dental papilla. Type 1 invagination, is most common form. However, it may be easily overlooked because of the absence of any significant clinical signs of this anomaly. Since the risk of necrosis and pulp complication is higher in such dental malformation, an early identification of the affected tooth is...

Author(s): Marouane O., Zouiten S. and Boughzala A.

Paediatric mucoepidermoid carcinoma of palate: Literature review and report of a case

September 2016

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma (MEC) is the most common malignant tumor in salivary glands. About 70% of these tumors are found in the parotid gland, 15 to 20% in the oral cavity, mostly in the palate, and 6 to 10% in the submandibular gland. MEC has female predilection and the mean age at onset is in the 5th decade of life. The treatment decision depends on the histopathology (Low-grade, Intermediate-grade, High-grade). A 12...

Author(s): Nelly Ruth Limón Garcia, Cesar Villalpando Trejo, Armando Cervantes Alanís and María de la Luz Garza de la Garza

Periodontal conditions in orthodontic patients using direct and indirect bracket bonding techniques: A randomized study

September 2016

The aim of this study was comparing two orthodontic bracket bonding techniques (direct and indirect), with regard to the following variables: plaque index; gingival index, evaluation of gingival crevicular fluid, and white spots on tooth enamel. Seventeen patients were randomly selected (10 men and 7 women) with a mean age of 15.8 years, and these were subjected to comprehensive orthodontic treatment (braces), totaling...

Author(s): Maurício Matté Zanini, Carlos Augusto Nassar, Patricia Oehlmeyer Nassar, Priscilla do Monte Ribeiro Busato, Jamille Favarão and Mauro Carlos Agner Busato

Evaluation of N 2-butyl cyanoacrylate adhesive material in the fixation of dentoalveolar mandibular fractures in dogs

August 2016

The prevalence of dentoalveolar fracture is usually seen among children and adolescents boys, 3 times more than girls that is due to its etiology, namely road traffic accident (minor accident), child abuse, and fall from high or epileptic seizures. It may occur as an isolated clinical entity or in conjunction with any other bone fracture. Bone adhesive to hold these fractures would be of great benefit. Recently N2...

Author(s): Yasir A. El-Sayed, Ragab S. Hassan, Hala R. Ragab and Nancy M. Saad

Salivary flow rate in adult Kenyans and its relationship with chronic periodontitis

July 2016

The study is aimed at determining the salivary flow rate (SFR) in adult Kenyans and investigates its relationship with chronic periodontitis. A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted on 333 participants (age between 18 and 45 years) among the patients attending Nairobi University Dental Hospital over a period of five months. Three groups were identified based on their periodontal status as healthy, gingivitis...

Author(s): Muhammad Mbabali, Tonnie K. Mulli and Evelyn Wagaiyu

Hygiene and sterilization of endodontic and surgical equipment at the Municipal Oral Health Center of Ouagadougou

June 2016

Daily oral endodontic and surgical care requires careful management of infection risks to  prevent both patient and medical staff from nosocomial infection by cross-contamination. The purpose of this study is to review the sterilization process of endodontic and surgical equipment at the Municipal Center of Oral Health (CMSBD) of Ouagadougou. This is a cross-sectional study carried out during January 2016. Data...

Author(s): Wendpoulomdé A. D. Kaboré, Carole D. W. Ouédraogo, Abdoulaziz Diarra, Diouma Ndiaye, Rasmata G. Traoré, Raoul Bationo, Tarcissus Konsem and Babacar Faye

The relationship of facial and dental midlines with various anatomic landmarks of face and oral cavity

May 2016

The aim of the study was to find out the relative reliability of different clinical anatomical landmarks to determine the midline of face and the hierarchy of facial anatomical landmarks closest to the midline of the face. The facial anatomical landmarks such as - nasion, tip of nose, tip of philtrum, incisive papilla and dental midline were chosen as they are commonly used in clinical practice. 100 patients were...

Author(s): Amitoj Singh, Archana Nagpal, Richa vats, Mandeep Kaur, Bismad Kaur and Mamata Mahajan

Evaluation of hydrogen ion modulation in human dental plaque following consumption of regular and diet soft drinks

April 2016

The high cariogenicity of all black cola drinks is recognized by all oral health care professionals. It has been proven that black cola drinks pose a threat to the integrity of tooth structure. Despite the presence or absence of artificial sweeteners in cola drinks, both regular and diet soft drinks still contain phosphoric and citric acid, which contributes to the total acidic challenge potential on enamel. Fourteen...

Author(s): Annupriya Sikri, Ankit Sikri, Vinod Sachdev, Gulsheen Kaur Kochhar, Himanshu Duhan and Ripin Garewal

Awareness and behavior related to orthodontic treatment among Jazan University students, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

March 2016

Awareness of malocclusion and the need to make corrections have increasingly become prevalent among young population. The demand for orthodontic treatment also became more noticeable in dental practices. The aims of the present study were to assess Jazan University students, with respect to awareness and behavior related to orthodontic treatment and the effect of gender differences on the distribution of oral health...

Author(s): Essamet M. and Darout I. A.

Tooth brush changing frequency and associated socio-demographic and oral hygiene factors among residents of Karachi

February 2016

Proper tooth brushing technique along with tooth brush replacement at recommended intervals may help to protect the accumulation of plaque and reduce the prevalence of dental caries and gingivitis. We aimed to determine the frequency of tooth brush change and the variables associated with this practice in population living in Karachi. A cross sectional study was conducted among dental Orthodontics and Pediatric...

Author(s): Anjum Younus and Ambrina Qureshi

Use of lasers in endodontics

January 2016

LASER (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) devices transform light of various frequencies into chromatic radiation that is capable of mobilizing heat and power when focused at a close range. They are usually named after the active medium employed, which can either be a container of gas, a crystal, or a solid-state semi conductor. Key words: LASER, light, radiation, semi conductor.

Author(s): Aysenur Kamaci and Tan Firat Eyubogl

Prevalence of untreated dental caries among the preschool children of Western Maharashtra

November 2015

Optimum oral health is required to eat, socialize without discomfort or embarrassment. Untreated dental caries is a common problem faced by the population in developing countries affecting the development of the child. A cross sectional study was conducted among 3 to 5 years old preschool children to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries and consequences of untreated dental caries. Dental caries was measured using...

Author(s): Patil Snehal, shivakumar KM, siddhi hathiwala, Samuel Raj Srinivasan and Sachin Khatri

Evaluation of resistance to fracture of temporary implant-supported prosthesis with extension in cantilever enhanced with glass fibre

November 2015

This study aims to evaluate the fracture resistance of acrylic resin used in temporary prosthesis with an extension cantilever, using glass fibers treated with silane as reinforcement, varying the distribution and positioning within the matrix. Fifty specimens were produced and divided equally into five groups: Group I, without reinforcement; Group II, reinforced with continuous, concentrated and aligned fibers; Group...

Author(s): Rodrigo Lorenzi Poluha, Clóvis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto, Luiz Guilherme de Paula Constantino, Eliseo Braga Junior and Sérgio Sábio

Lidocaine subgingival irrigation modulate the levels of prostaglandin E2 in gingival crevicular fluid after periodontal therapy

November 2015

The aim of this study has evaluated if lidocaine 2% with 1:100.000 epinephrine used as subgingival irrigation has anti-inflammatory effect after periodontal therapy. Seventeen patients were selected to this paired split mouth randomized, subject-blind study. Each patient had a minimum of two sites labeled and alleatory separated, both with probe depth ≥ 5 mm. Each site were separated in two groups:...

Author(s): Gabriela Alessandra da Cruz Galhardo Camargo, Jõao Eduardo Marra Fellows, Isis Andréa Venturini Pola Poiate, Apoena de Aguiar Ribeiro, Etyene Castro Dip, Natalia Linhares Coutinho Silva, Ana Luísa Palhares de Miranda and Jorge Luiz Mendonça Tributino

An evaluation of ethical aspects concerning endodontic instrument fracture

November 2015

The aim of this study was to address and analyze several ethical issues relating to the behavioral conduct of general practitioners and endodontists towards instrument fracture during root canal treatment. Data was collected from a group of general practitioners and endodontists and other specialist from other field who perform root canal treatment, using an open ended questionnaire, which was later reviewed and...

Author(s): Shibu Thomas Mathew and Manal Rowdan

Lidocaine subgingival irrigation modulates the levels of prostaglandin E2 levels in gingival crevicular fluid after periodontal therapy

October 2015

The aim of this study has evaluated if lidocaine 2% with 1:100.000 epinephrine used as subgingival irrigation has anti-inflammatory effect after periodontal therapy. Seventeen patients were selected to this paired split mouth randomized, subject-blind study. Each patient had a minimum of two sites labeled and alleatory separated, both with probe depth ≥ 5 mm. Each site were separated in two groups:...

Author(s): Gabriela Alessandra da Cruz Galhardo Camargo, Jõao Eduardo Marra Fellows, Isis Andréa Venturini Pola Poiate, Apoena de Aguiar Ribeiro, Etyene Castro Dip, Natalia Linhares Coutinho Silva, Ana Luísa Palhares de Miranda and Jorge Luiz Mendonça Tributino

The effects of primary and secondary wound closure following surgical extraction of lower third molars on post-operative morbidity: A prospective randomized clinical trial

October 2015

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of primary and secondary wound closure on post-operative pain, swelling, and acute alveolar ostietis (AO) after surgical extraction of partially impacted lower third molars. A prospective randomized parallel clinical trial was conducted on 60 patients. Exclusion criteria included pericoronal infection and uncontrolled systemic diseases. Pain was estimated preoperatively....

Author(s): Nedal Abdullah Abu-Mostafa  

Maternal intentions and knowledge in the postpartum regarding the feeding habits and oral health of children

October 2015

The aim of the present study was to analyze the intentions and knowledge of mothers in the postpartum period regarding the feeding habits and oral health of their children. A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 286 mothers at a teaching hospital in Southern Brazil. The variables of interest were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Knowledge scores were analyzed numerically and dichotomized as...

Author(s): Luciana Reichert da Silva Assunção, Karina Duarte Vilella, Jéssica Ellen Araújo, Maria Fernanda Pivetta Petinati, Débora Emi Shibukawa, Isabella Naomi Furuie and Elaine Machado Benelli  

Solitary palatal mass: A case report

September 2015

Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate arising de novo is a rare entity. A case of pleomorphic adenoma of the soft palate in a 28-year-old male is presented. The article discusses the etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, and its management. Minor salivary gland tumors may be present with a diverse range of presentations posing a challenge to even the most competent clinicians and...

Author(s): B. G. Harsha Vardha, S. Priyanka and K. Saraswathi Gopal

Assessment of knowledge, awareness and attitude towards hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus among dental students: A cross-sectional study at Karachi, Pakistan

September 2015

In this study, the attitude, knowledge and awareness of the dental students of Karachi were evaluated on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). Cross-sectional and non-experimental study was carried out on 377 dental students. Data were analyzed using PASW v.18 and Minitab 11 statistical software. Mean ± standard error of mean (SEM) was used to represent participant’s scores....

Author(s): Wasif Iqbal, Khurram Parvez, Muhammad Bilal Azmi, Amna Nayyar, Ahmed Moiz, Zareena Zaffar and Shaheryar Shafqat

Prevalence and factors leading to early childhood caries among children (71 months of age or younger) in Karachi, Pakistan

September 2015

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC) and factors leading to it among 71 months of age children or younger in Karachi, Pakistan. ECC is a preventable chronic disease affecting infants and children worldwide. The early detection of ECC can reduce pain and life threatening conditions and help growth and development of infant and children. A cross-sectional study was...

Author(s): Shahbano Syed, Nighat Nisar, Nazeer Khan, Narendar Dawani, Nida Mubeen and Zara Mehreen

Post operative pain in endodontics: A systemic review

August 2015

Post operative pain is an unpleasant situation for both the dentist and the patient. The purpose of this review is to analyze the effect of certain factors like, gender, teeth type, single/multiple visits, and pre-obturation pain, on the incidence of post endodontic pain. Electronic database were searched in a systematic method according to the preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta analysis...

Author(s): Shibu Thomas Mathew

Esthetic and functional rehabilitation of soft-drink eroded teeth with prosthodontic approach: A case report

August 2015

Dental caries and enamel erosion are among the several health problems related to unusual consuming of soft drinks as an extrinsic factor of dental erosion. In this report, a 27-year-old man complaining of severe worn-out of all his teeth was presented. He had a history of unusual drinking of cola (4 to 6 L daily) for 6 years and had a poor oral hygiene. Severe decays were present in the incisors, canines, premolars,...

Author(s): Oguzhan Gorler

Evaluation of linear-elastic fracture toughness of the teeth restored with different post and core systems

August 2015

The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the linear-elastic fracture toughness of endodontically treated teeth after restoration with prefabricated post systems against root restored with metal cast post-core. Thirty two maxillary canines with similar anatomic characteristic were sectioned to obtain the same length for all specimens. Group I consisted of 8 roots restored with FibreKor system; Group II...

Author(s): Clóvis Lamartine De Moraes Melo Neto, Paulo Afonso Franciscone, José Mondelli, Silvia Sbeghen Sábio, Rodrigo Lorenzi Poluha and Sérgio Sábio  

Knowledge and attitude of Saudi mothers towards health of primary teeth

July 2015

The aim of this study was to assess Saudi mothers’ knowledge and attitude towards primary teeth health and dental caries and the impact of level of education on their knowledge and attitude. Four hundred, self-reported questionnaires were distributed to mothers of children aged 1 to 6 years. They contained questions expressing knowledge and attitudes towards the health of primary teeth and the effect of...

Author(s): Mona A. Kamil, Nahid M. El-Ameen, Sara H. Madkhaly, Tahani H. Alshamarry, Ruaa U. Hakami and Elham M. Nassir

Dental professionals’ attitude towards biostatistics

July 2015

The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitude of dental professionals towards biostatistics.  A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted among all the faculty members and postgraduate students of dentistry at Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Descriptive analysis was undertaken and differences between groups were examined using Chi-square test. A response rate of...

Author(s): Ashwin C. Shetty, Noura M. Al Rasheed and Sara A. Albwardi

Evaluation of anxiety level changes during the first three months of orthodontic treatment in Pakistani population

July 2015

There are two types of anxiety disorders: state and trait anxiety. Anxiety among dental patients is common and potentially problematic, both for the patient and for the dental team in managing such patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in dental anxiety among patients and parents, their state and trait anxiety were assessed by using anxiety scales. Anxiety levels of 120 patients and parent of each...

Author(s): Hana Pervez, Imtiaz Ahmed and Gul-e-Erum

Comparative analysis of variation in morphology of rugae pattern amongst sibling pairs

June 2015

Palatal rugae are epithelial ridges on anterior part of palatal mucosa on each side of mid palatine raphe behind incisive papilla. The aim of this study was to compare the uniqueness of rugae pattern amongst sibling pairs, determine the predominant rugae pattern and to assess the gender difference in rugae forms in 5 to 15 years old children and its utility in sex determination.  Casts of 50 sibling pairs aged 5 to...

Author(s): Gulsheen Kaur Kochhar, Himanshu Duhan, Preety Gupta, Rajesh Gupta, Swati Parhar and Taranjot Kaur

Utilization of electronic scientific information resources among undergraduate dental students in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

June 2015

This study aimed to evaluate undergraduate dental students’ utilization of electronic scientific information resources and to identify the specific trends found among students at different years of study. A cross-sectional web survey of all undergraduate dental students in Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy was conducted. Descriptive analysis was undertaken and differences between groups were examined using...

Author(s): Ashwin C. Shetty, Najah Musfer Al Ghamdi and Wejdan Ibrahim Al Amer

Factors’ affecting mother’s brushing technique of less than five years age children in Pakistan

June 2015

Proper tooth brushing technique may help to protect the accumulation of plaque and reduce the prevalence of dental caries and gingivitis in children. The mothers play an important role in uptake of encouraging dental health practices. A cross sectional study was conducted among mothers in Karachi, Pakistan from October to December, 2014. A total of 281 mothers were selected by using consecutive sampling technique. Data...

Author(s): Nida Mubeen and Nighat Nisar

Posturedontics in dentistry: A review

June 2015

Dentistry is a profession that generally produces muscular pain and soreness, they are usually harmless and slow to appear; consequently, the symptoms are usually ignored until they become chronic and permanent lesions are present. When practicing, dentists sometimes are forced to adopt unhealthy postures which depend mainly on factors related to the working conditions. Also, they are exposed to biomechanical risk...

Author(s): Shibu Thomas Mathew

Low dietary diversity among older Japanese adults with impaired dentition

May 2015

  The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the relationship of dentition status, defined by the number of occluding pairs of natural teeth (OPNT) and removable denture fit, to food diversity among older Japanese adults. The study participants were 268 Japanese (mean age: 81.7 years) classified into four groups: (i) good dentition (n = 91; ≥5 OPNT), (ii) compromised dentition (n = 43; <5...

Author(s): Masanori Iwasaki, Yumi Kimura, Akihiro Yoshihara, Hiroshi Ogawa, Takayuki Yamaga, Taizo Wada, Ryota Sakamoto, Yasuko Ishimoto, Eriko Fukutomi, Wenling Chen, Hissei Imai, Michiko Fujisawa, Kiyohito Okumiya, Michael C. Manz, Toshihiro Ansai, Hideo Miyazaki and Kozo Matsubayashi,  

Quality of root canal filling performed by undergraduate students in a Saudi Dental College

May 2015

The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of teaching endodontics to undergraduate students at Riyadh Colleges. This study was undertaken by assessing the technical quality of root canal obturation and the presence of procedural errors in root canal treatment cases performed by the final year dental students in clinics. All of the root canal treatment cases performed by the final year dental students in the 2nd...

Author(s): Ammar AbuMostafa, Ibrahim Ali Ahmad, Ghazi Alenezy and Ahmed AlZoman  

Levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in gingival crevicular fluid from smokers and non-smokers with gingivitis and chronic periodontal disease

May 2015

The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of smokers (light and heavy) and non-smokers with gingivitis (G) and chronic periodontal disease (CPD). Forty-five patients were selected: 15 heavy smokers whose daily tobacco consumption was more than 10 cigarettes/day (HS), 15 light smokers whose daily tobacco consumption was fewer than 10 cigarettes/day...

Author(s): Gabriela Alessandra da Cruz Galhardo Camargo, Marcelo Pereira dos Santos, Natalia Linhares Coutinho Silva, Ana Luísa Palhares de Miranda and Jorge Luiz Mendonça Tributino

Patients’ awareness of the relationship between smoking and periodontal diseases in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

May 2015

The aim of this study was to investigate the patients’ awareness of the effects of smoking on periodontal health in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), and to compare with similar studies in UK and Nigeria. This cross-sectional survey was conducted on a convenience sample of 600 patients attending dental clinics of Riyadh Colleges of Dentistry and Pharmacy in 2014 using anonymous, self-completed, questionnaires. The...

Author(s): Shetty, A. C. 

The prevalence of oro-dental anomalies among 14-17 years students in Panchkula District Haryana, India

April 2015

The aim of this study was to find out the prevalence of oro-dental anomalies among 14 to 17 years students in Panchkula District Haryana, India. Oral examination among 3248 students (1608 males and 1640 females) aged 14 to 17 years in Panchkula District of Haryana was carried out in 18 secondary and intermediate schools. Oro-dental developmental anomalies seen in 946 students represents 29.1% of the studied sample,...

Author(s): Preety Gupta, Nidhi Gupta, Rajesh Gupta, Vikram Arora and Nishant Mehta

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