Rare presentation of ventricular arteriovenous malformation mimicking tumor lesion in a child: Systematic review and meta-analysis
January 2025
Ventricular arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are rare vascular anomalies characterized by abnormal connections between arteries and veins, bypassing the capillary system. These lesions pose significant diagnostic challenges, particularly when mimicking tumors in pediatric patients. This systematic review with meta-analysis aims to investigate the clinical presentation, diagnostic tools, and treatment outcomes for...
Behavioral Changes in Crayfish after Daily Exposure to Blue LED Light.
January 2025
Ambient light settings play a crucial role in the survival of organisms within their environments. This study investigates the impact of artificial light on crayfish behavior, particularly focusing on the effects of blue light. Crayfish, specifically Procambarus clarkii, which possess photoreceptors sensitive to a range of light wavelengths, were exposed to various lighting conditions: 590 nm (amber), 415 nm (blue),...
Gender-based violence and associated factors among high school female students in Ethiopia: Systematic review and meta-analysis
March 2023
Gender-based violence is a serious public health problem. The prevalence of sexual violence against female students in Ethiopia has not been systematized, according to many dispersed studies. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis estimate cumulative prevalence of sexual violence and associated factors among high school female students, in Ethiopia. A systematic review and meta-analysis...
Neuroprotective activity of Conyza aegyptiaca hydroethanolic extract against ethanol-induced neurodegeneration in adolescent Wistar rat’s brain
July 2022
Alcohol consumption is a common well-known source of brain damages. This work aimed to evaluate the neuroprotective effect of Conyza aegyptiaca against ethanol-induced neurodegeneration in a Wistar rat binge drinking model. Animals, pretreated orally once a day during 3 days with the hydroethanolic extract of C. aegyptiaca (HECA 250 and 500 mg/kg), received daily intraperitoneally 7 g/kg of ethanol for 3 more days,...
Predictors of stimulants use among physicians in a Nigerian tertiary health institution in Sokoto, Northwest Nigeria
June 2018
Studies suggest that prevalence rates of stimulants use and abuse among healthcare professionalss is similar to rates in the general population. Majority of the studies on stimulants use carried out in Nigeria mainly focused on students of secondary and tertiary institutions, thus, there is the need to conduct similar study among physicians in Nigeria. This study aimed to assess the pattern and predictors of the use of...
Hormone replacement therapy and Alzheimer's disease in older women: A systematic review of literature
April 2018
The relationships between estrogen and cognitive functions have been explored in many experimental and observational studies with rather inconsistent outcomes. This study explored the relationship between hormone replacement therapy (estrogen-based) and Alzheimer's disease in postmenopausal women based on existing literature. A comprehensive search was conducted for relevant articles written in English language from...
Neuroprotective potential of Aframomum melegueta extracts on brain of monosodium glutamate-treated wistar albino rats
December 2017
The study evaluated the biochemical effects of methanolic seed extract of Aframomum melegueta (MEAM) on biochemical parameters of the brain of rats treated with monosodium glutamate (MSG) with a view to considering the possibility of using the plant as a remedy for the management of neurotoxic disorders. MEAM was prepared according to standard methods, phytochemically screened and followed by evaluation of its...
Neuroprotective effect of Silibinin against middle cerebral artery occlusion induced focal cerebral ischemia and brain injury in Wistar rats
July 2017
Silibinin (Silybin) as an active constituent derived from milk thistle (Silybum marianum) has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-apoptotic properties. In traditional system of medicine, Silybum marianum has been used for treating various kinds of ailments including liver disease and cancer; however, clinical studies are largely heterogeneous and contradictory. The present study was designed to investigate whether...
Auditory, visual, kinesthetic-tactile, and multi-sensory modalities: A quantitative study of how preferred modalities create more effective teaching and learning environments
July 2017
This study aims tо examine hоw teaching methods and learning styles of instructors play a role in how students learn, and how technology is selected. There are four type of learning styles: auditоry, visuаl, kinеsthеtic-tаctilе and multi-sensory. Thе survey pоpulаtiоn was evenly distributed, consistening of 100 faculty members and 100 students with a response rate of 25%. The results of the...
Vitamin B complex and homocysteine status and Cognitive impairment in the elderly among Indian population
November 2016
Vitamins B complex and homocysteine has been given much attention as preventive factors against cognitive decline and dementia. Hyper homocysteinaemia has been suggested as a cause or mechanism in the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. The present study is designed to know the role of vitamin B complex and homocysteine and its relation with cognition, using biological samples. A total...
Cigarette smoking among Jimma University Teaching and referral hospital outpatients attending services at psychiatry clinic Southwest, Ethiopia
July 2016
Smoking is currently considered one of the greatest problems in public health worldwide, and it is one of the most avoidable causes of death. Cigarette consumption killed more than 6 million people, nearly 80% in low and middle income countries in 2011. The objective of the current study was to assess the prevalence of cigarette smoking and its determinant factors among psychiatric outpatients in Jimma University...
Spinal cystic schwannoma: A rare case report
March 2016
A 78-year-old man was referred to our department with severe low back pain and gait disturbance. Lumbar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a large, well-circumscribed mass isointense with cerebrospinal fluid on T1- and T2-weighted imaging at the conus level. Arachnoid cyst without performing contrast-enhanced MRI was initially diagnosed. Intraoperative observation and postoperative histopathological examination...
Personality traits of in-patients with substance use disorders in a mental health facility in Nigeria
January 2016
Substance abuse is a multi-etiological, multi-dimensional and a worldwide problem with an alarming increase in its incidences. This study aimed to evaluate the patterns of use of psychoactive substances and to assess the predominant personality traits among the participants. This cross-sectional study used a purposive sampling technique to examined in-patients with substance abuse problem in a psychiatric facility in...
The role of electroacupuncture in stroke treatment: A systematic review of the literature
October 2015
Stroke is a major cause of serious neurological disability, and the second leading cause of death worldwide with more than 6 million deaths each year. Although pharmaceutical treatment of stroke has advanced over the last decades, clinical treatment or prevention of motor impairment (which is the most frequent complication) is still inadequate. Therefore, it is imperative to develop new techniques and strategies aimed...
Medication-related factors of non adherence among patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: Outcome of a cross-sectional survey in Maiduguri, North-eastern Nigeria
June 2015
Pharmacotherapy is the cornerstone in the symptomatic treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but non-adherence to the medications constitutes major obstacles to optimal outcome in their management. This study assessed the prevalence of and exclusively x-rayed medication-related factors of non-adherence among patients with these disorders in a resource-poor setting. Three hundred and fifty eight (358) patients...
Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma: Magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis and patient management in two cases
April 2015
As far as operative indications for spinal epidural hematoma are concerned, symptoms and duration from onset are thought to be quite important. However, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) intensity of the hematoma could be a key factor in determining the need for operative intervention. Here, we discuss two cases of spinal epidural hematoma. One was the operative case of a 71-year-old man who presented with left leg...
Social memory performance in schizophrenia
March 2015
The advance of social neurosciences is by and large dependent on the circumscription and measure of specific social-cognitive competencies. The importance of accurate neuropsychological tests emerges in this context as a decisive step to the evolution of the field as a whole. This paper has three interconnected goals: to shed light into a previously unreported social cognitive dimension and to introduce a...
Effect of skill level and indirect measurements in the attack situations in handball
February 2015
The purpose of the study was to compare the effect of visual search and skill-level on the spatial occlusion anticipation in handball players. Thirty skilled and thirty unskilled handball players aged 20 to 35 years anticipated the situation of seven handball attack video movies. Visual search behavior was measured by using validated researcher made questionnaire. The results of anticipation illustrated that, skilled...
Changes in behaviour, and cerebellar histology of Wistar rats exposed to refuse dump
January 2015
Open waste dump sites are a common spectacle in Nigeria. These sites may cause neurotoxicity to people dwelling in their vicinity. Hence, the present study investigated the effects of long-term habitation at the vicinity of refuse dump sites on motor, mood and cognitive behaviours in rats, as well as on cerebellar histology. Young adult male Wistar rats, approximately 70 days old, were used for this study. Rats were...
A case of contralateral lower extremity paresthesia involving a cervical schwannoma from the anterior nerve root
September 2014
A 56-year-old woman presented with right leg paresthesia for the previous year. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an intradural extramedullary tumor in the left anterolateral cervical spine. An operation was performed through the posterior approach. Intraoperative findings showed that the tumor was generated from the anterior nerve root. Total resection was performed. The histopathological diagnosis was schwannoma...
A child with specific language impairment: Personal pronoun pattern in non-elicited spontaneous speech
August 2014
Findings for concluding remarks in the area of personal pronouns are very limited, especially related to children with specific language impairment (SLI). The goal of the present research was to explain and justify pattern change in personal pronoun usage among children with specific language impairments. For this, one child with specific language impairment from Child Language Data Exchange System/CHILDES was taken....
A case of intrapelvic sciatic nerve schwannoma presenting as piriformis syndrome
April 2014
A 36-year-old man presented with lower back and right lower extremity pain for 10 years and right inguinal pain for 1 year. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a right sciatic nerve mass at the right ventral piriformis, causing sciatica and piriformis syndrome. The tumor was totally resected by a posterior approach. The postoperative histopathological diagnosis was schwannoma (World Health Organization grade 1)....
Behavioural and haematological studies on effects of lycopene in Wistar rats subjected to psychological stress
May 2013
This study investigated the effects of prior lycopene supplementation on behaviour and haematology of Wistar rats subjected to psychological stress. Four groups of Wistar rats, each comprising seven animals were investigated: unstressed (U-Control), unstressed + lycopene (U+Lyco), stressed (SControl) and stressed + lycopene (S+Lyco). Olive oil was given by oral gavage to each rat in the groups, either singly or mixed...
Analysis of combined anti-tuberculous drug induced neurotoxicity in the cerebral cortex of adult Wistar rats by immunohistochemistry
May 2013
Combined Isoniazid (INH) and Rifampicin administration still remain as two of the main drugs of choice in the treatment regimes of tuberculosis (TB) world wide, particularly in Africa, where tuberculosis incidence rates are among the highest in the world. This study evaluated the effects of chronic administration of combined Isoniazid/Rifampicin on the cerebral cortex of the adult rats by immunohistochemistry....
Psychiatric symptoms and disorders in seizure cases referred to psychiatric out-patient service
March 2013
Epilepsy and seizure disorders affect more than 1% adult population. Associated psychiatric problems are reported to increase and worsen the morbidity. In Nepalese context of scant data, this study was conducted to sort-out psychiatric symptomatology and disorders among psychiatry out-patient seizure patients. This hospital-based descriptive study analyzed 100 consecutive seizure patients visiting a psychiatric...
Differential behavioral outcome of anxiety tests in runner rats treated with corticosterone
March 2013
Both clinical and pre-clinical studies have suggested that physical exercise is beneficial for lowering anxiety. However, some animal studies fail to demonstrate the anxiolytic effect of physical exercise. The inconsistencies among studies may be due to differences in animal models and behavioral tests. Previously, injection of corticosterone (CORT) for 14 days induced depression-like behavior to varying based on...
Recurrent giant malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the scalp with intracranial extension
March 2013
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are rare neoplasms, usually arising from somatic soft tissues or peripheral nerves. The incidence of MPNSTs is approximately 0.001% in the general population. MPNSTs are mainly located in the buttocks, thighs, brachial plexus, and paraspinal region. Scalp is an unusual and surgically challenging site of occurrence. We report a case of giant recurrent MPNST in the...
Anxiogenic potential of prulifloxacin in experimental animal model
November 2012
Prulifloxacin, the prodrug of ulifloxacin, is a broad spectrum oral fluoroquinolones antibacterial agent. Fluoroquinolones have been used for the treatment of bacterial infection for many years. Although they were considered as relatively safe drugs, various adverse effects have recently been reported along with increase in the usage of new generation fluoroquinolones. In the present study, prulifloxacin 200 and 400...
Laterality of voluntary motor tasks: Are basketing, targeting, and peg-moving performance asymmetric?
November 2012
The principal objective of this work is to investigate the relationship between lateral functions of the brain and morphology of the hands, eyes and feet. The study was carried out with 233 volunteers within the age range of 18 to 27 years. Out of the total number of participants, 208 (94%) of them were right-handed and the remaining 13 (6%) were left-handed. The participants were divided into two groups and assessed by...
Is the age-related macular degeneration (AMD) vascular disease, part of vasculopathy, respectively? Novel considerations on AMD arising from the newest pathophysiological, clinical and clinical-pharmacological observations (Preliminary Communication)
May 2012
In the genesis and later development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), endothelial dysfunction (ED) has a crucial role. AMD-risk factors, which play a decisive role in AMD, are in a close connection, correlate with, and often are identical wih the risk factors (RFs) of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), so that it can reasonably be presumed that the two conditions have a similar pathogenesis. These risk factors,...
Risk factor profile among black stroke patients in Northeastern Nigeria
May 2012
Few studies have evaluated risk factors among stroke patients in our population. This study is aimed at exploring risk factors among black stroke patients. A total of 524 stroke patients seen at University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital between January 2005 and June 2011 were evaluated to ascertain risk factors. Prestroke risk factors were obtained from patient’s medical history and hospital records. Risk factors...
The size of expressive lexicon in prematurely born children low- birth- weight with full-term 18 to 36 month’s children: A comparative study
April 2012
In different scientific texts, premature birth and low birth weight (LBW) are considered as two risk factors for language development. So, information about primary period of language development in these children is important for an early diagnosis of children’s needs during their language development. Diagnosis of linguistic disorders in this group of children can lead to suitable and well-timed interventions....
Polysomnographic differences between severe depression and schizophrenia
April 2012
Certain subtypes of major depression, particularly if associated with severe psychomotor retardation or psychotic features, may be difficult to differentiate from schizophrenia due to overlapping symptoms. The aim of this study was to assess the potential role of polysomnography as a tool for differentiating between severe depression with or without psychotic features and schizophrenia. Forty patients aged 18 to 50...
Intrauterine infection promotes brain region specific cytokine activation and hyperactivity in developing rat
March 2012
Intrauterine infection during pregnancy is associated with premature birth, periventricular leukomalacia, early activation of the fetal immune system and poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. Previous clinical studies and studies with animal models have shown increased activation of the immune system evidenced by increased levels of inflammatory cytokines, white matter damage and delays in behavioral development. Animal...
Some changes in the cerebellar weights and Purkinje cells in adult Wistar rats following experimental artesunate administration
March 2012
This study assessed the effects of artesunate on the Purkinje cell density and transverse diameters in the cerebellar cortex of Wistar rats. Twenty four Wistar rats were separated into four groups. Groups A, B and C orally received 4 mg/kg body weight of artesunate on day 1. Group A continued with this dosage for the next 3 days while rats in groups B and C received 2 mg/kg once daily for the next 6 and 13 days...
Changes in oestrous cycle of adult female wistar rats treated with artemether
March 2012
Artemether is an ante malaria that has proved rapidly effective. It has replaced chloroquine and quinine is many parts of the world. This is an experimental study designed to examine the effects or artemether on oestrous cycle of lower primates since this drug is highly consumed by females in child bearing age. Twenty four cyclic female rats were randomly divided into three groups A, B and C all administered 10 mg/kg...
Psycho-biological correlation of yoga exercise in young Iranian women
February 2012
Yoga is considered as stress-reduction training. A case-control cohort study was designed to investigate the effects of yoga training on stress and plasma levels of cortisol in young (20 to 35 years) Iranian women. For experimental group, women (n=15) were recruited after their consent from a yoga training center in Isfahan (Iran) to participate in a twice weekly 90 min classes of yoga exercises for a period of...
Effect of interaction between eye-hand dominance on dart skill
February 2012
The purpose of this research was surveying the effect of interaction between eye hand dominance on dart skill. Twenty healthy male subjects (age: 21.43±1.33) from University of Shahid Chamran were served as the participants for this study. Subjects were divided into two groups: unilateral (right eye and right hand or left eye and left hand) group (10 subjects) and cross lateral (right eye and left hand or left...
Morris Water Maze Performance of Growing Wistar Rats Exposed to Telephone Mast Base Stations
January 2012
This study assessed the possible harmful effects of close exposure to telephone mast base stations on the behaviour of growing Wistar rats. Animals were exposed to the vicinity of base stations, closely monitored and observed. At the end of the exposure period, behavioural studies were undertaken using the Morris water maze. Results showed conspicuous hair loss and slight pigmentation on the skin of experimental...
Neuroscientific Approach to Behavioural Health in Cancer Cases in the Year 1824
January 2012
Since life events may be considered stressors, how to improve the behavioural health of the cancer patient is worthy of study. This was done by going back to the year 1824 in order to appreciate how two medical masters scientifically handled the well being of an affected patient and a patient’s relative. It is concluded that these historical antecedents provide useful data applicable to modern stress management,...
Effects of methamphetamine on the hippocampus of rats: Behavioural and morphological approach
October 2011
This investigation examined the effects of methamphetamine (METH) on performance of rats using the Morris water maze and on the morphology of the hippocampus. Twelve adult Wistar rats were used for this study. Animals were randomly assigned into two groups (A and B) of six each. Group A rats served as control and were given normal saline. Group B animals were given single administration of METH (10 mg/kg, i.p.). ...
Sex differential effects of acute caffeine administration on open field novelty induced behaviour in Swiss albino mice
October 2011
The study investigated the effects of acute systemic administration of caffeine on novelty induced behaviours in male and female albino mice. The aim was to assess the effects of gender (if any) on the neurobehavioural response to a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of caffeine. Eighty Swiss albino mice (aged 6-8 weeks, mean weight, 22.5 ± 2.5 g) were divided into four treatment groups (n =20)....
Some effects of manganese dichloride administration on the body weight, Purkinje cell population, brain, and cerebellar weights of adult Wistar rats
July 2011
Some effects of manganese dichloride an essential trace metal that is required for bone formation, brain development and metabolism of carbohydrate on the body weight, brain and cerebellar weights were investigated in adult Wistar rats. Twenty eight adult Wistar rats of both sexes weighing between 150 to 200 g were separated into four groups including controls, each containing seven rats. Treated rats in Groups A, B and...
Assessment of quality of life, stigma associated and self-management practices among patients suffering from epileptic seizures: A cross sectional study
July 2011
Epileptic patients are often neglected in our society. This hospital based cross sectional study was done among epileptic patients in Mangalore city of south India in February 2011. Epileptic patients aged 7 or more were interviewed using a pretested semi-structured questionnaire. Standardised scales were used for assessing the quality of life (QOL), stigma and self-management practices of patients. Association of these...
Attitudes of university students towards abortion in Nigeria
June 2011
The study examined the attitude of university students towards abortion in Nigeria. A total of nine hundred (900) respondents gave their opinions on a self structured questionnaire. The frequency counts and percentages were used to analyse the personal data of the respondents and means, standard deviation, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for analyzing the hypotheses at α = 0.05 level of significance. Some...
Physico-chemical assessment of sorghum brew adjunct and barley brew lager beer
June 2011
The type of alcoholic beverage produced in any particular region or country almost entirely reflects the types of crop grown. Thus the cooler region of Europe, Scandinavia, Poland and Russia produces beer and lagers from barley (Palmer, 1992). In tropical Africa, alcoholic beverages especially beer have been brewed from micro-organisms especially fungi are to expect. It is necessary to treat harvested crop...
Non-drug strategies in the management of depression: A comprehensive study of systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
May 2011
Between 5 to 10% of the population experience depression at any time in any year, needing psychiatric or psychosocial intervention. The World Health Organization has reported that depression's financial burden globally ranked fourth in 2000, and will increase by 2020 to be the second most costly disease. This paper focus on the range of non-drug strategies available to patients, other than prescribed pharmacological...
Impairment activities of succinic dehydrogenase in the lateral geniculate body and superior colliculus of adult wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) as a result of long term intake of ethanol consumption
May 2011
Ethanol has been established to impair vision but its level of impact on the activity of succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) in visual intracranial relay centers has not been fully analyzed. Effects of chronic administration of ethanol on the activity of succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) was investigated on the lateral geniculate body (LGB) and superior colliculus (SC) in forty adult wistar rats of average weight...
Acute low dose monosodium glutamate retards novelty induced behaviours in male swiss albino mice
April 2011
The study investigated the effects of acute systemic administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG) on novelty induced behaviours in male albino mice. The aim was to provide information on the neurobehavioural effects of a single i.p.(intraperitoneal) injection of MSG. Forty male swiss albino mice (age, 6 to 8 weeks; mean weight, 22.5 ± 2.5 g) were divided into four treatment groups (n = 10). Novelty induced...
Multiple sclerosis: An overview of the disease and current concepts of its pathophysiology
April 2011
The oligodendrocytes, myelin-producing cells in the central nervous system (CNS), have an essential role in “multiple sclerosis”. This disease is of unknown etiology, and thus, of a variable prognosis. The main pathologic feature is the injury to the myelin and loss of oligodendrocytes in the CNS. Studies of animal models, demonstrating that autoreactive T cells (CD4 or CD8) can result in inflammatory...
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