Full Length Research Paper
The purpose of the work is to analyze the trends in the development of the oil-and-fat subcomplex as one of the most important components of the agribusiness of the Russian Federation, and state policy in the strategic planning in this sphere. The materials of the United States Department of Agriculture, the State Statistics Service and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation served as the information basis for the research. The legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation were used for the analysis of the state policy in the field of strategic planning in the agribusiness. Results of the research showed that the development of the oil-and-fat subcomplex is hampered by a large number of problems, one of which is the absence of the development target program-strategy. The most optimal of the possible options for the development strategy is the formation of a cluster that will allow optimizing the work of all its participants, involved in various spheres of the agribusiness, logistic infrastructure, public authorities, scientific and personnel support, as well as contributes to solving the identified problems. In the study, within the framework of the analysis of the internal and external environment of the oil-and-fat subcomplex, the problems that hamper its development are considered. The advisability of developing a state program for creating a cluster has been revealed and directions for implementing state support for solving technical and technological as well as social and economic problems have been determined.
Key words: Development strategy, agro-food sector, soybean, gross yield, crop yield, sown areas.
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