Full Length Research Paper
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of nutrition and salt stress on the growth and accumulation of mineral elements in Jatropha curcas plants. The work was conducted in greenhouse with 100% solar radiation interception, at Goiás State University, Ipameri Campus, Goiás, Brazil. The experiment was set up in five-liter containers following the completely randomized design in 4 x 2 factorial arrangement (I: Clark’s complete nutrient solution, Clark’s nutrient solution modified to prevent contents of ii: nitrogen, iii: potassium or iv: magnesium, and two salinity treatments, distilled water and saline water [2 dS m–1] obtained by NaCl addition). On even days, the plants received nutrient solution and on odd days, they received saline or distilled water. The plants were irrigated with complete nutrient solution up to the 20th day after germination and the treatments were applied from the 21st to the 60th day. The results show that there was no toxic effect of salt on J. curcas plants; however, salinity caused nutritional unbalance and significantly hindered Ca2+ and K+ absorption and slightly reduced vegetative growth due to the small change in water status. J. curcas plants are moderately tolerant to irrigation water salinity.
Key words: Mineral nutrition, biofuel, oleaginous, osmotic stress, water restriction.
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