Full Length Research Paper
Field trials were carried out at the research field of AAMUSTED in two cropping seasons (2021 and 2022) to determine the effect of intercropping groundnut varieties with maize using different spatial arrangements on phenology and growth. A 3 x 3 factorial experiment arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), plus four sole crops replicated four times, was used. The treatments were: (i) groundnut varieties (Yenyawoso, Dehye, and Oboshie) and Opeaburo maize; (ii) Spatial arrangements (SP1 = 1-row maize alternating with 1-row groundnut, SP2 = 1-row maize alternating with 2 rows of groundnut, and SP3 = 1-row maize alternating with 3 rows of groundnut) plus four sole crops. The results showed that Opeaburo-Yenyawoso x SP1 interaction and sole Yenyawoso were the earliest to flower, while for maize, Opeaburo-Yenyawoso x SP2 and SP3 interaction demonstrated the earliest days to 50% tasseling and silking across both cropping seasons. Opeaburo-Dehye x SP2 and SP3 interactions had the tallest plants and greatest dry shoot weight, whereas Opeaburo-Oboshie x SP2 interaction had the highest number of branches per plant. To maximize growth and early phenological response of maize and groundnut, it is recommended that farmers should intercrop Opeaburo with Yenyawoso or Oboshie using SP2 and SP3 spatial arrangements.
Key words: Maize, Groundnut, Phenology, Intercropping, Spatial arrangement.
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